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- An Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan for the RI-MUHC
null An Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan for the RI-MUHC
The plan prioritizes six groups traditionally underrepresented in research
On October 7, the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) submitted to the FRQS its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan. This plan aims to strengthen the institute's leadership and organizational culture as a world-class centre of research excellence that is representative, inclusive and responsive to Canada's diversity. This plan aims to ensure that each member of the RI-MUHC community feels valued, respected and supported in the development of their full potential and to make the RI-MUHC a space free from discrimination and harassment.
“The plan will prioritize six groups traditionally underrepresented in research or decision-making positions,” says Diego Herrera, PhD, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist at the RI‑MUHC,“ namely women, people with disabilities, Indigenous people, members of racialized groups, members of ethnic minorities, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people. It will be very important for the institute to work towards an enriched culture of openness and belonging.”
Based on an analysis of the systemic barriers these groups face at the institute, the EDI Action Plan establishes four objectives:
- Create and maintain an inclusive work environment at the RI-MUHC through diversified recruitment; mechanisms to address concerns; promotion, recognition and employment equity policies; institutional recognition for commitment to EDI; and enhanced accessibility.
- Strengthen the EDI skills of the RI-MUHC community through basic and advanced training, pedagogic tools, technical support to administrative and research staff, and strengthened mentoring programs.
- Communicate and celebrate institutional diversity through participatory dialogues between members of under-represented groups; visibility of good practices in EDI; resources and content on the subject in the institutional media; and work plans on bilingualism and inclusion.
- Document and innovate on good organizational and research practices through scientific reflection on the contribution of EDI to research excellence and innovation and to stimulating and inclusive work climates.
This version of the plan has the approval of the Human Resources and EDI Committee of the RI-MUHC Board of Directors, the Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer, and the Chief Operating and Development Officer. Within the next six months, the entire RI-MUHC community will be able to enrich the plan with their visions and suggestions.
"The RI-MUHC will soon launch an open call for members interested in joining the EDI Advisory Committee,” says Sonia Rea, Director of Human Resources at the RI-MUHC. “This participatory and representative body will provide advice and make recommendations on the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action plan.”
A final version of the action plan, enriched with these consultations, will be launched in March 2023.
October 26, 2022