
null Construction

The Glen Campus of the McGill University Health Centre is being built as a village covering 43 acres of land at the intersection of Decary Expressway and Ville-Marie AutoRoute, complete with streets, parks, neighborhoods and plazas. The first building to be completed in September 2014 is the 5 stories Research Building located at the south-east of the campus.

Most of the Research building 2 towers flanking a central atrium will be occupied by the Research Institute of the MUHC, with its open bench flexible laboratory concepts on the periphery and centrally located shared equipment rooms equipped with the latest models of specialized equipment.

While the Research Building laboratories will be the theater of fundamental or basic research, clinical research with take place on the 4th floor of the hospital complex running from the Montreal Children Hospital to the Royal Victoria adult wing.

The 2 structures occupying a total area of 42,000 square meters (450,000 square feet) will be linked by a suspended walkway.