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Clinical Trials, COVID-19
Our researchers are conducting clinical trials to learn more about COVID-19. Some of these are seeking participants.
- COVID Human Genetics Effort
- The Living Laboratory Seroprevalence Study
- Monitoring of Immune Responses in COVID-19 (MIRC) Study
- MUHC COVID-19 Biobank
- REinfection in COVID-19 Estimation of Risk (RECOVER)
General information for clinical trial participants is available on our website. Additionally, participants may consult the Santé Quebec website list of clinical trials and the Health Canada list of authorized clinical trials for drugs and vaccines for COVID-19.
(This page was last updated in December 2020.)
Who: Adults diagnosed with COVID-19 less than 5 days ago, symptomatic, not hospitalized.
What: The purpose of this study is to determine whether treatment with inhaled and nasal ciclesonide (a type of steroid) can reduce viral replication and decrease severity of COVID-19 illness.
Participants enrolled in the CONTAIN study will receive either ciclesonide (in an inhaler and nasal spray) or placebo (also in an inhaler and nasal spray). They will be assigned randomly to one group or the other. After enrolling, they will receive the study drug or placebo at their home address by courrier.
Where: Participants enroll online and the medication is shipped to their home address.
When: Recruitment is ongoing, until all participants are recruited.
Principal investigator: Dr. Nicole Ezer
For information: contain-covid.com
COVID Human Genetics Effort
Who: Adults or children with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 (by nose swab). Family members of the above adults or children (regardless of whether they had COVID or not).
What: An international consortium (called the COVID Human Genetics Effort, or COVIDhge) is trying to understand why some people infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for COVID-19) have no symptoms, others get mild symptoms, and others get severe COVID-19.
Where: MUHC Glen Site.
When: Recruitment is ongoing.
Principal investigator: Dr. Don Vinh is the Canadian lead in this research project.
For information: www.covidhge.com or email muhc.covidbb@muhc.mcgill.ca
When: Recruitment is underway.
Principal investigator, MUHC: Andréa Maria Laizner, RN, PhD
For information: gelinas.lab.ccomtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca, 514-340-8222 ext. 25784
Who: Individuals above the age of 40 years old with pre-existing health conditions or 70 years or older in good health, who are having medical symptoms that are related to COVID-19 will be invited to join the study.
What: This is a multi-center, randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled (RCT) study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Dapsone in older adults, and/or in adult patients (≥40yrs of age) with at least one high-risk comorbidity, among those with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The purpose of the study is to assess whether this early intervention with the study-drug is effective against complications that may arise in the infected high-risk patients with COVID-19 symptoms and specifically, whether it will reduce the need for hospitalization in this patient group.
Where: At the RI-MUHC.
When: Recruitment is ongoing.
Principal investigator: Dr. Jean Bourbeau
For information: sponsor@dapcorona.com
The Living Laboratory Seroprevalence Study
Who: Full or part time workers at the Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC), including researchers, students, administrative and scientific support staff.
What: The purpose of this study is to learn about antibody levels produced against COVID-19.
Enrolled participants will complete an initial survey (10-15 minutes) and will answer a short questionnaire at every other visit. They will be asked to provide 10 mL of blood at study entry (Day 0), then at Week 2, and Week 6. Those who show antibodies for COVID-19 will be invited to provide additional samples at 12, 24 and 52 weeks.
Where: MUHC Glen site, MGH site, and administrative site (2155 Guy Street)
When: Recruitment is ongoing
Principal investigator: Dr. Bruce Mazer
For information: living.lab@muhc.mcgill.ca
Monitoring of Immune Responses in COVID-19 (MIRC) Study
Who: Adults aged 18 to 65 years, who have tested positive for COVID-19, and have manifested no, few or many symptoms associated with COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, etc.) or have recovered since screening.
What: The ICRS study, led by the McGill COVID-19 Research Consortium (MCRC), is designed to test the immune system of individuals who have been infected with the virus responsible for COVID-19, in order to test the effectiveness of the immune cells' response to the virus and the link between their responses and the symptoms observed in the individual.
Where: At the Centre for Innovative Medicine of the Research Institute of the MUHC, at the Glen site.
When: Recruitment is underway.
Principal investigator: Dr. Ciriaco A. Piccirillo
For information: FCE@mcgill.ca
MUHC COVID-19 Biobank
Who: Adults and children with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 (by nose swab), including recovered patients.
What: The Quebec government mandated all university health centres to build a Biobank of samples from COVID-19–affected persons, to provide researchers with samples and data needed for their work on COVID-19. This initiative led to the creation of the MUHC COVID-19 Biobank.
Enrolled participants will meet Biobank personnel a few times to give them some health information and blood. No drugs or interventions are involved.
Where: MUHC Glen Site and MGH Site.
When: Recruitment is ongoing.
Principal investigator: Dr. Don Vinh
For information: email muhc.covidbb@muhc.mcgill.ca
Who: Patients with COVID-19 who are sent home to quarantine.
What: This study will test the feasibility of using Opal app for COVID: 1) for daily symptom and vital sign self-monitoring among COVID-19 patients tested at the MUHC-Glen site who are sent home; and 2) to connect them with the healthcare team, if their condition worsens.
Through the use of a smartphone app, the study intervention involves the daily capture of patient-reported health data to allow the healthcare team to remotely follow up individuals with COVID-19. It also entails offering educational material to participants via the app, to facilitate self-management.
Where: At the MUHC.
When: Recruitment is ongoing.
Principal investigator: Dr. Bertrand Lebouché
For information: adriana.rodriguez@muhc.mcgill.ca
REinfection in COVID-19 Estimation of Risk (RECOVER)
Who: Healthcare workers who have tested positive for COVID-19.
What: The aim of the study is to determine if past COVID-19 infection provides protection against future re-infection and for how long.
Where: At the Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM) at the Research Institute of the MUHC, Glen site.
When: Recruitment is underway.
Principal investigator: Dr. Matthew Cheng
For information: Megahn Pawliczka at covid.research@muhc.mcgill.ca