
null A message from Dr. Simon Ducharme, Director, Mental Health Mission

Dear Colleagues,

As the new Research Director for the Mental Health mission, I have been working with Dr. Keith Murai to increase collaborations between basic researchers and clinical researchers in Psychiatry within the BRaIN program. As part of this objective, I am available to help facilitate these connections. Please contact me if you could benefit from one of the three options below:

1) Your research could benefit from having access to a pool of clinical psychiatric patients.

2) Your research could benefit from the help/collaboration of a clinician in a specific field.

3) You would be interested in supervising research track psychiatry residents during their training. These are psychiatry residents with a strong interest in research that have dedicated time for research in each of their five years of clinical training. The background varies from high-level trainees starting in research to people who did a PhD prior to medical school. Their salary is covered by their residency training.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in collaborating with our experts.

Best regards,

Simon Ducharme, M.D. M.Sc. FRCP (C)