
null Four Burning Questions for Madhukar Pai and Dick Menzies on World TB Day

Dr. Dick Menzies, left, and Dr. Madhukar Pai are leading TB researchers at the Research Institute of the MUHC and McGill University March 26, 2019

Source: MedE-News. Tuberculosis (TB) is an ancient disease that has been traced as far back as 600 BC. Sadly, even in 2019, TB kills more people worldwide than any other infectious disease.

In advance of World Tuberculosis Day on March 24, Dr. Madhukar Pai and Dr. Dick Menzies, leading TB researchers at the McGill International TB Centre and Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC), discuss the conditions that allow TB to flourish and the important role McGill and the RI-MUHC are playing to combat it. Read more.

Dr. Pai also published opinion pieces last week in The Conversation, Huffington Post and National Post, drawing attention to The Lancet Commission on TB, released earlier this week.

Attendees of the 7th Annual TB Research Day (March 22, 2019) Photo credit  Robert Derval
Students attending the 7th Annual TB Research Day (March 22, 2019) Scientific presentations at the 7th Annual TB Research Day (March 22, 2019)
McGill International TB Centre