Understanding the health impact of inactivity for the benefit of older adults and astronauts
A study using bedrest as an analog to microgravity will provide data for eight Canadian research projects

When is dead really dead?
Dr. Sam Shemie leads the death prediction and physiology after removal of therapy study (DePPaRT study)

RI-MUHC researchers support Canada’s efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic
Drs. Emily McDonald and Todd C. Lee are part of the Canadian Network of COVID-19 Clinical Trials Networks...

Overcoming vaccine hesitancy
Our best hope of charting a course to a post-pandemic world

Early diagnosis is key to prevention of potentially fatal complication in type 1 diabetes
New RI-MUHC study of international data suggests awareness and access to care are key factors in improving...

New study of hydroxychloroquine usage may help personalize lupus treatment
RI-MUHC researchers identify factors associated with poor outcomes for lupus patients

Reaching new heights by working together: Innovative industry partnership
RI-MUHC-led team will use artificial intelligence to improve survival rates of cancer-diagnosed patients

Two studies confirm efficiency of saliva tests for COVID-19
Testing is the cornerstone of the fight against COVID-19, and a test that can be self-administered would greatly increase the options for case...

Saliva samples for COVID-19 testing: as good as nasopharyngeal swabs, but cheaper
New meta-analysis of 37 studies and over 7,000 paired saliva and nasopharyngeal swab samples

Could an antidepressant slow COVID-19 progression?
RI-MUHC researchers launch a clinical trial of fluvoxamine, a drug that has already proven efficient in reducing lung injury in animal studies and...