Psychologist Tina Montreuil is making a difference
RI-MUHC researcher invited to provide expert testimony to the House of Commons regarding her project, the Montreal Antenatal Well-Being Study...

A new hope for men with metastatic prostate cancer
MUHC patients are the first enrolled in a new global Phase 1 clinical trial testing Actinium-225, a therapeutic agent used in nuclear precision medicine

Genetic causes of cerebral palsy uncovered through whole-genome sequencing
Canadian scientists demonstrate that cerebral palsy may be caused by both genetic and environmental factors...

A roadmap to improving healthcare disparities in northern Quebec
Some Indigenous communities are too short-staffed to perform lifesaving procedures, McGill study finds

New Global TB Dictionary aims to standardize terminology in tuberculosis research
The Lancet Global Health highlights the launch of the dictionary created in part at the RI-MUHC.

Bringing rare and undiagnosed diseases out of the shadows
A new network will advance research and care for thousands of people suffering from a rare or undiagnosed disease

Small dietary changes can cut your carbon footprint by 25%
McGill researchers find evidence that partially replacing red and processed meat with plant protein foods can increase lifespan and mitigate climate...

Health care inequities behind shorter life spans for Inuit from Nunavik with lung cancer
A new study shows that people living in the Inuit region of Nunavik in northern Quebec die earlier after a diagnosis...

Viagra to treat oxygen-deprived newborns
A study by Dr. Pia Wintermark investigated the possibility of using sildenafil (also known as Viagra) to treat babies...

RI-MUHC successes in Networks funding from the FRQ-S
Our researchers will lead three new thematic networks whose funding was announced this week