
null Honours and awards published August 2023 – July 2024

Canada's Top 40 Research Hospitals

Congratulations to each of the following RI-MUHC researchers!

Marilyn Ahun received the 2023 Victoria S. Levin Award from the Society for Research in Child Development for her early career success in young children’s mental health. Learn more

Sapha Barkati and Marina Klein received the 2023 prize for best research paper from the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec. Published in The New England Journal of Medicine, their article described the unique clinical presentation of mpox. Learn more

Moshe Ben-Shoshan received the Pfizer Research Award of Excellence from the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation. He is recognized for his work on penicillin allergy suppression, which has revolutionized clinical practice. Learn more

John Bergeron received an Honorary Investigator appointment to the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) in September 2023. This appointment recognizes his major scientific contributions in the area of cellular trafficking, including seminal discoveries in calnexin biology that have earned an enduring place in the textbooks of cell biology. In addition, our research community is indebted to his foundational efforts in the field of proteomics, not only at the RI-MUHC and McGill University, but through his contribution to the establishment of the global Human Proteome Organization. Learn more

Jean Bourbeau has been named the 2024 Distinguished Lecturer in Respiratory Sciences by the Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and by the Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS). This award recognizes individuals who exemplify research excellence, a strong and reputable presence within Canada and on the international scene, and a meaningful impact in mentorship and training. Dr. Bourbeau will deliver the keynote lecture at the Canadian Respiratory Conference in April 2024. Learn more

Marie Brossard-Racine received the 2024 Rising Star in Bio-Imaging in Quebec award from the Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (QBIN). Highlighting the work of an emerging researcher in the field of bio-imaging, the award was presented to two recipients at the QBIN Scientific Day, hosted by Concordia University in May. Learn more

Julia Burnier was recognized as a Woman of Honour at the 2024 Montreal International Women’s Day Breakfast fundraiser by Pink in the City Foundation and the Sir Wilfred Laurier School Board.

Sam Daniel was named President of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery for 2024 at the organization’s 78th annual meeting, held in Montreal June 1-3. Learn more

Kaberi Dasgupta was awarded the Canadian Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (CanDIPs) 2023 Award of Excellence for Research at the Vascular 2023 conference in Montreal. Besides delivering a presentation on Diabetes Canada type 2 diabetes remission guidelines, which she had co-authored, she was invited to co-moderate a session on enhancing capacity for care in connection to persons with type 1 diabetes in Canada. Learn more

Raquel Zegarra del Carpio-O’Donovan was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada in recognition of her leadership as an esteemed neuroradiologist and for her mentorship of a generation of radiologists around the globe. Learn more

Maziar Divangahi has been named the 2024 Mid-Career Lecturer in Respiratory Sciences by the Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and by the Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS). This award recognizes an individual's outstanding contribution to the advancement of respiratory sciences, both in Canada and internationally, at the midpoint of their career. Prof. Divangahi will deliver a keynote lecture at the Canadian Respiratory Conference in April 2024. Learn more

Patricia Fontela is the leader of a program honoured by the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE). The Life-Threatening Illness National Group (LifTING) Research Training Platform received the Non-credit Programming over 48 hours Award at the CAUCE conference in May 2024 in Calgary. This award recognizes excellence in university continuing education programs in Canada. Learn more

Lucy Gilbert received the award for Best Paper published in Gynecologic Oncology in 2023, during the annual meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists in San Diego in March 2024. Learn more

Phil Gold's discovery in 1965 of the first cancer marker, the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), set a major turning point in oncology and inspired generations of researchers. The Montreal General Hospital (MGH) Foundation and its partners honoured him this fall as part of the Code Life Research Awards ceremony. This spring a Nobel laureate, Professor Sir Paul Nurse, delivered the inaugural Dr. Phil Gold Lecture as part of the RI-MUHC Distinguished Professors Lecture series at the RI-MUHC. In June 2024 the MGH Foundation recognized Dr. Gold’s contributions to research with the renaming of the pavilion housing the RI-MUHC at the Montreal General Hospital in his honour.

Wei-Hsiang Huang is one of the winners of the Brain Canada Foundation's 2022 Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research program. Supported by the Canada Brain Research Fund and anchored by a lead gift from the Azrieli Foundation, the Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research program aims to accelerate novel and transformative research that will fundamentally change our understanding of nervous system function and dysfunction and their impact on health.

Nada Jabado was named the 2024 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Laureate for North America. One of five renowned female scientists selected for their outstanding research and impact in five regions of the world, she was recognized for her pioneering work in the field of pediatric brain tumours. Learn more

Tania Janaudis-Ferreira is the recipient of the Assembly on Pulmonary Rehabilitation Mid-Career Research Achievement Award from the American Thoracic Society. This award recognizes scientific contributions to the principles and practice of pulmonary rehabilitation and demonstrated meaningful contributions to the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Assembly activities. Learn more

Marina Klein was named National Director of the CIHR Pan-Canadian Network for HIV/AIDS and STBBI Clinical Trials Research (CTN+). This modernized Clinical Trials Network tackles health challenges associated with HIV and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections in Canada. Learn more

Ives Levesque is part of a team whose publication was awarded the Michael S. Patterson Publication Impact Prize by the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists. This prize is awarded for a scientific paper that has had a tremendous impact on medical physics, based on the number of citations over 10 years. The winning publication, “On the accuracy of T1 mapping: Searching for common ground,” was authored in 2015 by Nikola Stikov, Mathieu Boudreau, Ives Levesque, Christine Tardif, Joëlle Barral, and Bruce Pike (Magn Reson Med. 2015, doi: 10.1002/mrm.25135).

Isabelle Malhamé received an Early Career Researcher Invited Lectureship to address the Perinatal & Child Health Research Annual Meetings in June 2024 in Vancouver, BC. Learn more

Ariane Marelli was appointed Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health. In her new position, Dr. Marelli will advance research and training initiatives that address circulatory and respiratory research priorities in Canada. Learn more

Emily McDonald is co-recipient of the 2023 Maude Abbott Prize from McGill University. A global expert on the appropriate use of medication, Dr. McDonald co-invented MedSafer, a licensed clinical decision tool for medication management. Learn more on the McGill University website.

Tina Montreuil was recognized by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health as one of Canada’s Difference Makers: 150 Leading Canadians for Mental Health. She was invited to provide expert testimony to the House of Commons regarding her project, the Montreal Antenatal Well-Being Study on Women’s Mental Health and Child Outcomes, in April 2024. Learn more

Suzanne Morin received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Osteoporosis Canada. The award recognizes her remarkable determination, resilience, and dedication in championing the osteoporosis cause, and her record of tirelessly donating her expertise, efforts and enthusiasm to advance osteoporotic care. Learn more

Keith Murai was appointed Associate Dean and Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, effective July 15, 2024. Learn more (McGill website)

Momar Ndao and Martin Olivier, co-chairs of the 16th International Congress of Parasitology to be held in August 2026, were honoured by the Palais des congrès de Montréal at its 2024 ambassadors’ gala. They are among 15 organizers of large-scale events to be so honoured. Learn more

Madhukar Pai was named a fellow of the Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada. His innovative, multidisciplinary research on improving the care of tuberculosis has informed many national and international policies. His groundbreaking work on patient-centred assessment of quality of care in low- and middle-income countries has now been adapted in many countries. He is a passionate advocate for addressing inequities and power asymmetries in global health. Learn more

Sushmita Pamidi was appointed a member of the Council of Canadian Academies’ (CCA) Expert Panel on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Practices in the Post-secondary Research System in fall 2023. Dr. Pamidi is part of an 11-member panel that will undertake an assessment of the evidence-based measures that organizations in Canada and around the world are implementing to achieve equity, diversity, and inclusion in research and academia. Learn more on the CCA website.

Nitika Pant Pai is the winner of the 2023 Haile T. Debas Prize from McGill University. As part of her large research program on HIV/STIs, she co-created nine innovative programs using smart technology to improve access and increase linkages to quality care for patients with HIV/STIs in marginalized populations. Learn more on the McGill University website.

Nitika Pant Pai was selected to participate in the 2024 North America Cohort of the WomenLift Health (WLH) Leadership Journey. The program aims at empowering mid-career women to advance to senior leadership positions in global health. Learn more

Nitika Pant Pai was invited to give a plenary talk at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI Conference) in Denver, Colorado, which took place in March 2024. Her presentation was titled Diagnostics 4.0: The future of diagnostics for HIV and related infections. Learn more on the CROI webcasts.

Steven Paraskevas is the 2023 recipient of the Excellence in Leadership Award from the Canadian Society of Transplantation. Praised for his vision and commitment to improving the care of transplant patients at the McGill University Health Centre, Dr. Paraskevas was also recognized for his leadership in developing transplant programs. Learn more

Dan Poenaru was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada, one of the highest honours in the country bestowed by the Governor General. His remarkable contributions include the establishment of a pediatric surgical unit and novel training program in a remote area of Kenya. Learn more

Joanna Przybyl received one of seven 2024 Terry Fox New Investigator awards for her research on osteosarcoma. With this funding, she will develop a novel liquid biopsy test to examine the molecular profiles of osteogenic tumours and predict potential treatment outcomes. Learn more

Janusz Rak was named a fellow of the Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada. He introduced a new dimension into cancer studies by demonstrating that oncogenic molecules may propagate throughout tumour microenvironment, and systemically, as cargo of extracellular vesicles (exosomes). His work links intracellular cancer causation to multicellular host tissue responses, including vascular pathologies, such as tumour-associated angiogenesis and thrombosis, and provides the basis for using exosomes in liquid biopsy and molecular diagnosis of cancer. Learn more

Alexandre Reynaud is the winner of the RI-MUHC Trottier-Webster Innovation Competition for his project, “Amblyopia treatment through joint action of dichoptic training and pharmacological intake.” Learn more on the MUHC Foundation website.

David Rosenblatt was awarded the 2023 Jacob’s Ladder Norman Saunders International Research Prize. Given by Jacob’s Ladder, the Canadian Foundation for Control of Neurodegenerative Disease, the prize honours his work in the field of medical genetics, studying individuals with rare inborn errors of vitamin B12 and folate metabolism. Learn more

Giada Sebastiani was named President Elect of the Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL) during the annual Canadian Liver Meeting in March 2024. Her dedication and commitment to advancing liver health have earned her this prestigious position within CASL. Learn more

Sam Shemie received the Grand Prix 2022 from Transplant Québec, in recognition of his outstanding commitment, leadership and professionalism in advancing the practice of organ donation in Quebec. Learn more

Rita Suri received the Marcel Dufresne Award (Montreal chapter) for Volunteer of the Year from the Kidney Foundation of Canada. She is among the volunteers whose outstanding contributions were recognized through the chapters’ and Quebec Branch’s 2022 Recognition Awards. Learn more

Togas Tulandi is the 2024 recipient of the Rodolphe Maheux Award. Dr. Tulandi was recognized for his “exceptional achievement for women’s health in Quebec” at the annual meeting of l'Association des obstetriciens et gynecologues du Québec. Learn more

Don Vinh was named a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). One of the highest honours in the field of infectious diseases, IDSA fellowship is bestowed on physicians and scientists in recognition of their professional excellence and significant service to the profession. Learn more

Timothy Wideman was named to Arthritis Society Canada’s Top 10 Research Advances of 2023, in recognition of his research on sensitivity to pain from physical activity. Learn more

Christina Wolfson has been appointed as a member of the BMJ Advisory Group on Large-Scale Cohort Studies: Shaping the Future of Epidemiological Research in China. Learn more on the BMJ website.


—published August 2023 – July 2024

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