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- Clinical Trials
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- Cardiopulmonary Platform
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- MUHC COVID-19 Biobank
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- Animal Resources Division (ARD)
- Specimen Collection and Human Specimen Processing Laboratory
- Medical Imaging Platform
The Rosalind and Morris Goodman Research Cancer Centre (GCRC) and the McGill University Life Science Complex (MULSC) provide access to state-of-the-art equipment coupled with essential technical expertise. Services are also available to the external scientific community with the goal of facilitating and enhancing collaborative research.
The McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre is a research centre for genomics and proteomics that provides support to approximately 800 Canadian and international research teams. The Centre is the largest integrated provider of sequencing, genotyping and DNA microarray services in Canada.
The Microscopy Core Facility serves the advanced microscopy needs of over 25 labs at the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) and is available to labs from across the McGill and MUHC community. This facility offers access to state-of-the-art confocal, TIRF, and wide-field fluorescence microscopes.
The McConnell Brain Imaging Centre (BIC) at the MNI is one of the top three brain imaging research groups in the world. This multidisciplinary centre is a hub for brain imaging and develops cutting-edge techniques for imaging humans and animals using high technology brain scanners, sophisticated computational analysis and multi-modality image processing.
The McConnell Brain Imaging Centre Small Animal Imaging Lab (SAIL) at the MNI is a state-of-the-art histopathology lab which is largely automated and provides high-quality histological and immunohistochemistry staining of tissue sections. SAIL is building integrated technology platforms (ITPs) by bringing together multiple cutting-edge techniques to create holistic pictures of diseases of the central nervous system.
The Experimental Therapeutics Program (EPT) at the MNI bridges basic research in neurobiology and immunology with human studies of neurological and immune-mediated diseases. The goal of the program is to expedite the development and formal evaluation of emerging therapies aimed at halting and ultimately reversing disability caused by neurological disease.