
null Elena Netchiporouk, MD, M.Sc., FRCPC

Scientist, RI-MUHC, Montreal General Hospital site

Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health Program

Centre for Translational Biology

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University

Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, MUHC



chronic spontaneous urticaria • scleroderma • morphea • systemic sclerosis • skin fibrosis

Research Focus

The incidence of autoimmune diseases affecting the skin and/or internal organs is rising steadily, but at a rate that cannot be explained by genetics alone. This argues for the importance of environmental causes in disease initiation and, possibly, progression. Pollutants and microorganisms (e.g., viruses) may directly damage our cells and elicit production of auto-antibodies by our immune system against our own cells. My research program focuses on understanding the interaction between environment and autoimmune diseases affecting the skin, specifically chronic urticaria and systemic sclerosis. While both are autoimmune in nature, they are completely different with respect to their clinical presentation and prognosis, which makes them ideal to study in parallel.

Selected Publications

Click on Pubmed to see my current publications list

  • Netchiporouk E, Sasseville D, Moreau L, Habel Y, Rahme E, Ben-Shoshan M. Evaluating Comorbidities, Natural History, and Predictors of Early Resolution in a Cohort of Children With Chronic Urticaria. JAMA Dermatol. 2017;153(12):1236-42.

  • Netchiporouk E, Gantchev J, Tsang M, Thibault P, Watters AK, Hughes JM, et al. Analysis of CTCL cell lines reveals important differences between mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome vs. HTLV-1(+) leukemic cell lines. Oncotarget. 2017;8(56):95981-98.

  • Netchiporouk E, Moreau L, Rahme E, Maurer M, Lejtenyi D, Ben-Shoshan M. Positive CD63 Basophil Activation Tests Are Common in Children with Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria and Linked to High Disease Activity. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2016;171(2):81-8.

  • Ouchene L, Muntyanu A, Netchiporouk E. Ultraviolet Radiation Seeking Behavior, Mediated by Endogenous beta-Endorphin, Has Addictive Features. J Cutan Med Surg. 2020:1203475420926990.

  • Nassim D, Jfri A, Litvinov IV, Netchiporouk E. Preliminary Data Suggests That Biologics in Dermatology Are Not Associated With Adverse COVID-19 Outcomes. J Cutan Med Surg. 2020:1203475420929250.