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- Mark Goldberg, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD
null Mark Goldberg, B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD

Investigator, RI-MUHC
Cardiovascular Health Across the Lifespan ProgramCentre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation
Professor, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University
epidemiology • environment • occupation • cancer • cardiorespiratory diseases
Research Focus
My research focuses on occupational and environmental epidemiology, especially on environmental and occupational causes of cancer as well as on the short and long-term effects of air pollution on health. My research bridges clinical and environmental epidemiology, covering myriad topics, including the health effects arising from exposures to ambient biogas produced in municipal solid waste sites, environmental and occupational causes of disease, and occupational and environmental investigations of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer. One of my recent findings is that chronic exposure to ambient air pollution may cause breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Selected Publications
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Villeneuve PJ, Goldberg MS. Methodological considerations for epidemiological studies 1 of air pollution and the SARS and COVID-19 coronavirus outbreaks. Env Health Perspect 2020; 128:95001.
Shin S, Bai L, Oiamo TH, Burnett RT, Weichenthal S, Jerrett M, et al. 2020. Association between road traffic noise and incidence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension in toronto, canada: A population-based cohort study. Journal of the American Heart Association 9:e013021.
Mark S. Goldberg, Paul J. Villeneuve, Dan Crouse, Teresa To, Scott A Weichenthal, Claus Wall, Anthony B. Miller. Associations between incident breast cancer and ambient concentrations of nitrogen dioxide from a national land use regression model in the Canadian National Breast Screening Study. Environment International, 133, Part B, December 2019, 105182.
Li, S., et al. Exposure–Response Associations of Household Air Pollution and Buccal Cell Telomere Length in Women Using Biomass Stoves. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2019; 127(8): 87004
Paul, L. A., et al. (2019). The impact of air pollution on the incidence of diabetes and survival among prevalent diabetes cases. Environ Int 134: 105333.