
null Provincial mother-child research conference

Date: November 5, 2021



Le Centre de recherche Mère-Enfant de l'Université de Sherbrooke, in collaboration with the three other major pediatric research centers in Quebec, are pleased to present the fifth edition of the provincial congress on mother-child research which takes place on November 5, 2021 in hybrid format.

In virtual (zoom) and face-to-face format in Sherbrooke and in the 3 participating centers.

The objectives of the congress are to:

  • Allow exchanges between researchers and students around mother-child research;
  • Facilitate the exposure of participants to new research themes / disciplines;
  • Serve as a forum for the dissemination of the latest advances in mother-child research in Quebec.

From the planning of a pregnancy to the fetal period, from birth to the early development of the child, until adolescence and its behaviors, health cannot be understood outside its broader context, which means includes the environment, family, infrastructure and community. This decompartmentalization of research, at the intersection of several individuals, ages and disciplines, facilitates the emergence of new knowledge, both in basic and clinical research. This is the only way to approach the complex problems and contemporary challenges in mother-child research.

This congress is aimed at clinical and fundamentalist researchers; graduate students as well as residents.

The organizing committee warmly thanks the Fondation des Étoiles for their support.