
null RI-MUHC Open Forum, March 14

It is a pleasure to welcome the RI-MUHC Community to the first Open Forum of 2024. These events will take place every 2-3 months and will provide opportunities for open dialogue on important topics.

We strongly encourage in-person attendance, but virtual attendance will be possible for those who are off-site.

Event details

Date: Thursday, March 14, 12 – 1 p.m.

Host: Dr. Rhian Touyz, Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer, RI-MUHC


  • Update on strategic planning and 2030 Vision  Dr. R. Touyz
  • Introducing Dr Alan Forster, Director of Innovation  Dr. A. Forster
  • An update from the Centre for Innovative Medicine  Dr. L. Pilote

Open discussion

In-person location: Cruess Amphitheatre, Glen site, Bloc E, RI-MUHC

Link to register on TEAMS

Looking forward to seeing you there.

RI-MUHC Open Forum