
About us

Canada's Top 40 Research Hospitals

The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (The Institute) is a world-renowned hospital-based health research centre. Located in Montreal, Quebec, the Institute is the research arm of the McGill University Health Centre affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill University. The Institute offers a dynamic multidisciplinary research environment that fosters collaboration and leverages discovery aimed at advancing precision health across the life course.

The Institute was built to facilitate investigator-initiated and discovery-driven research that creates new knowledge in healthcare research. This involves fundamental biomedical research, patient-oriented and applied clinical research, research on health services and health systems, as well as population and health promotion research, including societal and cultural effects on health.

In 1997, five McGill teaching hospitals (the Montreal General (MGH est. 1821), the Royal Victoria (RVH est. 1893), the Montreal Children's (MCH est. 1904), the Montreal Chest Institute (MCI est. 1909) and the Montreal Neurological Hospital/Institute (MNH/I est. 1934) merged to form the MUHC. The Institute, created from the five hospital research institutes, became the clinical and translational research hub of the MUHC. This institute is a powerhouse, with over 700 investigators and over 1,300 students and fellows studying a wide range of health issues that affect humankind through fundamental, clinical and evaluative research. Our greatest strengths are our people, our partners and our community.

The Institute is supported in part by the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS).

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