
Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, July 22, 2024, ​​​​​​​Registration Deadline:​​​​​ Sunday, August 11, 2024 ​​​​​​
Topic: Trials of Complex Interventions: What, Why, Where, and How
The BRaIN Program invites you to join us for an exciting seminar where we delve into the intriguing topic of how spaceflight...
Wednesdays, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
Registration Deadline: March 4, 2024
To mark International Women’s Day, you are invited you to a cinema forum on Picture a Scientist.
Topic: Learning from unexpected events in the neocortical microcircuit
Topic: Dopamine Circuits in Reward and Aversion
Topic: The secret life of the RNA during neuronal development
Topic: Cannabis and depression: neurological and clinical evidence
Topic: From heat sensing to heat seeking in flies and vector mosquitos
Topic: Neuronal and Vascular Dysfunction in Optic Neuropathies
Topic: Modeling human development and diseases in neurons and brain organoids
Topic: Learning and transfer: Lessons from action video games 
Topic: The Split Personality of Glutamate Transporters: a Chloride Channel and a Transporter
Topic: Ependymal cell alterations during inflammation and disease
Topic: Neuromodulation of Hebbian plasticity in the hippocampus
Topic: Visual perception, attention and eye-movements: neural mechanisms and potential clinical applications
— 25 Items per Page
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