
Topic: Scaling Patient-Centered Surgical Wound Triage: Improving the Post-Discharge Care Experience after Surgery with Telehealth
Topic: Bioactive Injectable Therapies for Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Low Back Pain
Physicians, over the course of medical history, have considered a range of individual factors in determining how to treat afflictions. But new discoveries, technologies and approaches have...
Topic: Research Participant Recruitment: from Concept to Reality
Explore news and events at the RI-MUHC
Explore news and events at the RI-MUHC
Topic: Learning from unexpected events in the neocortical microcircuit
Topic: Dopamine Circuits in Reward and Aversion
Topic: The secret life of the RNA during neuronal development
Topic: Cannabis and depression: neurological and clinical evidence
Topic: From heat sensing to heat seeking in flies and vector mosquitos
Topic: The NACA transcriptional coregulator is an effector of PTH anabolism
Work in Progress, Speakers: Rui Zhang, PhD Graduate Student and Tho-Alfaker Al- Aubodah, PhD Graduate Student
Topic: Biomaterial Strategies for Annulus Fibrosus Repair
Topic: New Concepts in the Regulation of Hepatic Glucose Uptake and Storage
Topic: From Spine Deformity Treatment Simulators to the TransMedTech Institute Transdisciplinary Innovation Ecosystem
Topic: Surgical Outcomes Research: Examples from a Learning Health System
Topic: Neuronal and Vascular Dysfunction in Optic Neuropathies
Topic: Modeling human development and diseases in neurons and brain organoids
New RI-MUHC study of international data suggests awareness and access to care are key factors in improving...
Topic: Navigation, Robotics and Managing Bone Defects in Surgery
Alumni Award of Distinction winner conducts research on the biology of cancer metastasis at the RI-MUHC
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Dr. Kris Jardon, on January 15, 2021.
RI-MUHC researchers identify factors associated with poor outcomes for lupus patients