
In the last five years, new drugs have revolutionized the treatment of hepatitis C (HCV), a virus that causes serious liver disease.
McGill University has announced the appointment of Dr. Anita Gagnon as Associate Dean and Director of the Ingram School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, effective September 1, 2016.
Focusing on immune activation in HIV infection, Dr. Vikram Mehraj has been highly productive during his two-year fellowship at the RI-MUHC. His research under Dr. Jean-Pierre Routy has...
Sarah Konefal has been investigating how an inflammatory signal from microglia minimizes the synaptic and behavioural changes induced by cocaine in a mouse model of addiction...
Dr. Priyanka Sehgal’s supervisor ranks her among the top five per cent of McGill postdoctoral fellows for intellectual ability, analytical and technical skills, and superior talent in presenting at...
George Kefalas has been awarded scholarships from Diabète Québec, the FRQS and CIHR to study the interaction between the adaptor protein Nck1 and protein kinase PERK in the pancreatic beta cell...
Dr. Esterina D’Asti deserves recognition for her productivity, independence, scientific maturity and exceptional abilities. In 2015 she obtained her doctorate after five years in Dr. Janusz Rak’s...
Dr. Barbara Rivera characterized the previously mysterious entity, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour (DNET), in collaboration with Dr. Nada Jabado’s laboratory...
Role of maternofoetal immune activation in the pathophysiology of perinatal injuries and in the spectrum of subsequent neurodevelopmental disabilities
This symposium will bring together prominent national and international experts in monocyte/ macrophage ontogeny...
Sample Size Calculations-Basic Statistical Principles
Invited Speaker: ELISE MOK, PDT, PHD
This one-day symposium organized by the Proteomics Platform of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) provides an excellent opportunity...
Brain Star award 2016 (CIHR)...
We are in the process of matching neuroscientists from the BRaIN program with artists from the Concordia School of Fine Arts. BRaIN trainees are preparing...
The BRaIN program now has a Facebook page and a Twitter account...
The purpose of this seminar series is to promote interactions among BRaIN Program Trainees and offer them an opportunity to...
The Carole Epstein Foundation presents a Cedars CanSupport public lecture on ovarian cancer with keynote speakers...
Dr. Robyn Tamblyn and several members of her lab at McGill University, the Clinical and Health Informatics Research Group, have...
Funding Results, Summer 2016
Did you know that osteoporosis affects one in three Canadian women? Join us on August 31 for a presentation with Dr. Suzanne Morin to learn the essential facts on calcium and...
The last nine and a half years have been a very exciting period in my life. As such, only another unique challenge could...
Women's Health Research Unit McGill University Health Centre Glen Site Centre for Innovative Medicine, C04.3328 1001 Blvd Décarie, Montreal QC, H4A3J1 Tel : (514) 934-1934 x 31975