
CRP  |  Cancer Research Program

CRP News

We are proud to celebrate the scientific achievements of our researchers and trainees in publications, grant competitions, honors and awards, and appointments, as well as in the mainstream press.

Opal app wins again!

Patient empowerment app developed by members of the Research Institute of the MUHC receives the Grand Prix de l’année

Celebrating 40 years of Medical Physics at the MUHC and McGill University

Interview with Jan Seuntjens and William Parker of the MUHC

RI-MUHC trainee finishes in first cohort of the Life Sciences Entrepreneurship Development Program

Christina Mastromonaco, PhD student in the Cancer Research Program, is propelled into the world of start-ups!

Research shines bright at the MUHC

Congratulations to RI-MUHC researchers who received Foundation awards, scholarships and grants!

The 2019 RI-MUHC Annual Report is online!

Leveraging discovery to improve human health “Across the Lifespan”

Seven RI-MUHC researchers among the 2019 Canadian Academy of Health Sciences new Fellows

Inductees are honoured for leadership in the health sciences

All programs on board in 2019 for RI-MUHC Summer Student Research Day

Congratulations to students who contributed to the scientific life of our institute this summer!

The Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation’s third Annual Research Day was a success!

The May 14 event organized by the Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE) provided an opportunity for trainees from all eight RI-MUHC programs to share their work and discoveries.

$27.9M to develop novel therapeutics options for patients with cancer

RI-MUHC is part of a Quebec-wide collaborative effort to provide oncology innovation and discovery pipeline

Explore news and events at the RI-MUHC