
What's New at the RI-MUHC ?

Too much pruning: A new study sheds light on how neurodegeneration occurs in the brain

A Montreal research team demonstrates how genetic mutations cause brain cell...

Endometriosis seems to increase the risk of preeclampsia

Findings of a new research study can help ensure that women with endometriosis who conceive spontaneously receive appropriate care

Training physicians to improve blood transfusion safety and pertinence: a successful strategy

Rates in blood transfusions have decreased at the MUHC following the implementation of an educational...

Could a rehabilitation program make a difference in the lives of long COVID sufferers

Researchers are seeking new ways to help the thousands of Canadians living with debilitating long-term effects...

Alveolar macrophages on patrol for respiratory health

In a study published in Nature, RI-MUHC researchers examine how the lung copes with invading microbes

Significant funding to maximize access and drive excellence in clinical trials in Quebec and Canada

RI-MUHC researchers will lead or co-lead multiple projects awarded a total of $55 million from the Canadian Institutes...

MI4 announces redefined scope: How microbes shape human health and disease, from molecules to patients to populations

Five years in, the McGill Interdisciplinary Initiative in Infection and Immunity...

Triple-negative breast cancer: the RI-MUHC enrolls first patients in international Phase 3 clinical trial

The first participants in this large study were recently selected at the Cedars Cancer Centre of the MUHC.

Learn more about the RI-MUHC