One of the most enjoyable parts of my day at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) is talking with members of our community about their research. Their enthusiasm for science, discovery and innovation is infectious and energizing, and the inspiration we gain from each other is a driving force in our research. Working together with collaborators from across the globe or across the hallway, team science leverages the strengths and expertise of multiple researchers and practitioners, allowing us to best apply our diverse skills and knowledge to today’s most complex health care challenges.
Recent discoveries led by researchers at the RI-MUHC have advanced our knowledge of cancer, respiratory diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular diseases, aging, immunology, recovery from surgery, precision medicine and much more. Working from our base within the MUHC and McGill University, our teams benefit from the interdisciplinary expertise and perspectives of biomedical scientists, bioengineers, clinical researchers, patients, clinicians and health care providers. Building wider networks has also been a huge part of this success, as evidenced by our collaborations in over 90 countries.
Our 2024 RI-MUHC Annual Report highlights some of the extraordinary progress unfolding at the RI-MUHC. New features on “Outreach” and “Training and mentoring highlights” include updates on the work of RI-MUHC researchers who lead or co-lead new large-scale projects to improve the development and conduct of clinical trials and expand access to experimental treatments for underrepresented communities in Canada. Among these initiatives, awarded a total of $55 million from the CIHR Clinical Trials Fund, is the CANadian Consortium of Clinical Trial TRAINing (CANTRAIN) project, which takes an equitable, diversified and inclusive approach to training professionals who conduct clinical trials. RI-MUHC researchers also co-lead the influential pan-Canadian consortium called Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Canada. This project tests innovative treatments and solutions for the benefit of a larger and more diversified population.
A major focus over the past 12 months has been the completion of the stragetic visioning and planning for the next few years. At the heart of our mission lies a renewed commitment to precision health, as outlined in the 2030 Vision, our bold strategic framework, that will guide us for the next five years. Our 2030 Vision sets a clear direction for advancing human health through cutting-edge research and innovation across the life course. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, enhancing inclusivity and leveraging transformative technologies, we aim to lead the way in addressing health challenges in Quebec, Canada and beyond, using a precision health approach. This vision underscores our dedication to pushing boundaries in science, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes in a personalized and precise way, and delivering world-class healthcare.
I warmly thank every member of our community, as well as the dedicated hospital foundations, donors and funding agencies, patient partners and health service providers, whose collaboration allows us to strive for a better future through biomedical and health care research.
Rhian M. Touyz, MBBCh, M.Sc. (Med), PhD, FRCP, FRSE, FMedSci, FCAHS, FRSC
Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer, RI-MUHC
November 2024
ABOUT THE BANNER: Cellular imaging from the laboratories of RI-MUHC researchers Carolyn Jack, MD, PhD (immune cell distribution and IL-13 cytokine production in eczema patient skin), Hugh Clarke, PhD (granulosa-oocyte complex) and Lorenzo Ferri, MD, PhD (tumour marker identification in cancer fibroblast). Images realized at the Molecular Imaging Platform, RI‑MUHC.