
SIS  |  Surgical and Interventional Sciences Program

SIS Program News

We are proud to celebrate the scientific achievements of our researchers and trainees in publications, grant competitions, honors and awards, and appointments, as well as in the mainstream press.

The 2021 RI-MUHC Annual Report is online!

An invitation from Dr. Rhian Touyz

New Clinical Innovation Platform launches at the Montreal General Hospital

MGH Foundation announces a $2M donation from National Bank of Canada

Top prizes to RI-MUHC researchers and trainees at McGill Clinical Innovation Competition

Mobile application EczemaQ wins the Hakim Family Innovation Prize. Remote Optical and Nura Medical were...

Dr. Liane Feldman elected SAGES President

The society brings minimal access surgery, endoscopy and emerging techniques to patients worldwide


RI-MUHC teams received $6.9 million in project funding and $2 million more for COVID-19 research

Zombie cells and flu fighters

Research by postdoc Hosni Cherif and Dr. Inés Colmegna makes Arthritis Society’s Top 10 breakthroughs

Clinical Innovation Platform at the RI-MUHC announces first member company

Health tech accelerator welcomes AltPAP Innovation to its new state-of-the-art facility

Explore news and events at the RI-MUHC