
RESP  |  Translational Research in Respiratory Diseases Program

RESP Program News

We are proud to celebrate the scientific achievements of our researchers and trainees in publications, grant competitions, honors and awards, and appointments, as well as in the mainstream press.

RI-MUHC researcher selected for Canadian Thoracic Society award

Tania Janaudis-Ferreira seeks to improve outcomes in chronic lung disease and solid organ transplants

The Gnotobiotic Research Platform is open for business

The RI-MUHC and McGill University form a hub to integrate microbiome research activities

Two RI-MUHC trainees win McGill MedStar awards

Congratulations to Daniela Massierer and Mohamed Abdulhakem Omar Shengir!

McGill International TB Centre receives $17.2 M for clinical trials and clinical research on tuberculosis

RI-MUHC researcher Dick Menzies leads international network to fight TB


RI-MUHC teams received $6.9 million in project funding and $2 million more for COVID-19 research

Saliva samples for COVID-19 testing: as good as nasopharyngeal swabs, but cheaper

New meta-analysis of 37 studies and over 7,000 paired saliva and nasopharyngeal swab samples

The RI-MUHC leads new clinical trial of COVID-19 treatment for hospitalized patients

Phase 2 study tests LAU-7b, a Canadian drug with dual antiviral and inflammation-controlling effects

What do we know about sleep apnea, pregnancy and gestational diabetes?

RI-MUHC researchers find link that may lead to better health for mother and baby

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