RI-MUHC researcher selected for Canadian Thoracic Society award
Tania Janaudis-Ferreira seeks to improve outcomes in chronic lung disease and solid organ transplants

The Gnotobiotic Research Platform is open for business
The RI-MUHC and McGill University form a hub to integrate microbiome research activities

Two RI-MUHC trainees win McGill MedStar awards
Congratulations to Daniela Massierer and Mohamed Abdulhakem Omar Shengir!

McGill International TB Centre receives $17.2 M for clinical trials and clinical research on tuberculosis
RI-MUHC researcher Dick Menzies leads international network to fight TB

RI-MUHC teams received $6.9 million in project funding and $2 million more for COVID-19 research

Saliva samples for COVID-19 testing: as good as nasopharyngeal swabs, but cheaper
New meta-analysis of 37 studies and over 7,000 paired saliva and nasopharyngeal swab samples

Could a different testing strategy reduce healthcare workers’ isolation after unprotected exposure to a confirmed case of COVID-19?
RI-MUHC study suggests appropriate...

The RI-MUHC leads new clinical trial of COVID-19 treatment for hospitalized patients
Phase 2 study tests LAU-7b, a Canadian drug with dual antiviral and inflammation-controlling effects

Driving Personalized Medicine: The 2020 RI-MUHC Annual Report is online!
An invitation from Dr. Miguel Burnier Jr.

What do we know about sleep apnea, pregnancy and gestational diabetes?
RI-MUHC researchers find link that may lead to better health for mother and baby