
Training News and Events

The latest news and events for the RI-MUHC trainee community.

From PhD to Employee Forum generates insights and perspectives

Report shares participants’ solutions to career development challenges in the life sciences

Largest synthesis of known protein-protein interactions published in the journal Nature

RI-MUHC researchers on international team that produced the blueprint

Young entrepreneurs with a mission

Injury Repair Recovery Program trainees on top three surgical innovation teams in 2020

Introducing “The Weekly Grind”: A virtual meeting for trainees

Join DCAT every Tuesday at 10 a.m. for an online conversation about careers, professional development and more

Bridging the gap between AI and the clinic

Open source app helps predict brain tumour malignancy and patient survival

Reaching beyond the hallowed halls of academe

“With science under attack, scientists have little choice but to step into the limelight and fight for what matters most” – Dr. Madhukar Pai

The Arthritis Society honours scleroderma research by former RI-MUHC research trainee

Dr. Sabrina Hoa’s publication listed in “Top 10 Research Advances of 2019”

Two national organizations honour former RI-MUHC trainee

A first-place finish for Julien Mégrourèche in the J.R. Cunningham Young Investigators Awards, along with “Best in Physics” award this fall

Learn more about the RI-MUHC