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- Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE) – Research Day (May 14, 2019)
null Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE) – Research Day (May 14, 2019)
The Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE) of the RI-MUHC will hold its annual Research Day on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. This one-day event will showcase leading-edge clinical, population and evaluative research guest speakers from all around the world, as well as methodological innovations developed within our Centre.
The CORE Research Day will also highlight our up-and-coming researchers of the future. 4 trainees have been chosen to present a 12-minute abstract on their research. Also, invited trainees will have 120 seconds to give a captivating oral introduction to their research and invite the audience to take a closer look at their poster presentations on display in the RI Atrium during lunch. Posters and oral presentations will be judged, and prizes will be awarded.
For the agenda click here
When: Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Where: At the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) Glen Site, Drs Sylvia & Richard Cruess Amphitheatre and Atrium, E.S1.1129, 1001 Decarie Boulevard, Montreal, Quebec H4A 3J1
Registration is free but please RSVP here or at core.mailer@rimuhc.ca
Deadline: May 8th
Information: CORE 514-934-1934 ext. 48292 or Core.mailer@rimuhc.ca
All presentations will be delivered in English.
Guest Speakers:
Ronald L. Wasserstein, PhD
Executive Director, American Statistical Association
Title: Doctor, It Hurts When I p
Abstract: P-values have been used and misused as a statistical tool for a long time, and have become especially newsworthy recently. In 2016, the American Statistical Association issued a statement on p-values and statistical significance. Recently, one of the ASA’s journals, The American Statistician, published a special issue on statistical inference. ASA Executive Director Ron Wasserstein will explain this controversy, and how it impacts research.
Alan J. Forster, MD, FRCPC, MSc
Vice President, Innovation and Quality, The Ottawa Hospital
Vice Chair, Quality & Clinical Services, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Professor of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Senior Scientist in the Clinical Epidemiology Program at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Title: The Ottawa Hospital’s approach to research and innovation using healthcare data
Objectives of presentation:
a. Identify the challenges associated with healthcare data for research and innovation
b. Review one institution’s approach to managing secondary use of healthcare data
Bio: Alan J. Forster MD, FRCPC, MSc is a general internist; Vice President, Innovation and Quality at the Ottawa Hospital; Vice Chair Quality and Clinical Services, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa. He is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Ottawa and Senior Scientist in the Clinical Epidemiology Program at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.
His research focuses on patient safety and quality improvement. He has performed seminal work evaluating the incidence of adverse events following discharge from hospital. This work has lead to the development of strategies to improve care during the transition home from hospital. He is also leading in the development of a hospital data warehouse, which will serve as a supporting infrastructure for a research program in patient safety and quality of care. He has over 160 publications in peer review journals. He has served as associated editor for several prestigious peer-review journals.
He has received several prestigious awards recognizing his work within the field of health services research, including a Career Scientist Award with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and an Early Research Award and Ontario Research Fund grant from the Ontario Government’s Ministry of Research and Innovation.
In addition to his significant contributions to a quality and safety program at the Ottawa Hospital, he provides ongoing scientific advice regarding the measurement of quality of care to national and international organizations, such as the Canadian Institute for Health Information, eHealth Ontario, Health Quality Ontario and the World Health Organization.
Dr. Rita F. Redberg, MD, MSc
Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco
Editor, JAMA Internal Medicine
Title: How Less Health Care Can Sometimes Be Better For You: Examples From Internal Medicine
Bio: Dr. Rita F. Redberg is a cardiologist who practices general and preventive cardiology. She is passionate about helping patients adopt positive lifestyle behaviors, enabling them to reduce heart disease risk and stay healthy. She is also interested in how to promote high-value health care, an approach that emphasizes delivering appropriate treatment while avoiding tests or therapies with no known benefit.
Redberg studies how the assessment of medical technology for safety and effectiveness influences – and is influenced by – public health policy. In particular, she studies high-risk medical devices and women's inclusion in clinical trials for such devices.
As editor of JAMA Internal Medicine, a journal of the American Medical Association, she has spearheaded the publication's new focus on health care reform and less-is-more medicine, a movement to reduce unnecessary interventions.
Redberg earned her medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in cardiology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. She next completed a fellowship in noninvasive cardiology with the Mount Sinai Health System. Redberg also has a master of science degree in health policy and administration from the London School of Economics.
Dr. Nandini Dendukuri, PhD
Scientist, Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health program, CORE, Research Institute - MUHC
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, McGill
Director, Technology Assessment Unit, MUHC
Title: Estimating diagnostic test accuracy in the absence of a perfect reference: The importance of quantifying uncertainty
Abstract: The standard approach to estimating the accuracy of a diagnostic test in terms of its sensitivity and specificity, requires setting up a two-by-two table comparing the test results to the disease status. This approach is not feasible when no perfect measure of the disease status exists. Using the example of pulmonary tuberculosis in children, this presentation shows that the appropriate statistical analysis would take into consideration the uncertainty in our knowledge of the disease status using a probabilistic modeling approach.
Dr. Emily McDonald, MD, MSc
Junior Scientist, Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health Program, Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, RI-MUHC
Assistant Professor of Medicine, General Internal Medicine, McGill University Health Centre
Title: MedSafer: Trials and Tribulations
Abstract: How to manage a 6000 patient deprescribing trial across 11 Canadian hospitals. Navigating research ethics boards, hiring, training, data transfer and institutional agreements, from coast to coast. Lessons learned from the MedSafer trial.
Bio: Dr. McDonald is an assistant professor of medicine in general internal medicine. She completed a Masters in Epidemiology at McGill University as well as her residency and fellowship. She completed post-graduate research training in patient safety and quality improvement at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto and is a Junior 1 FRQS researcher. She studies polypharmacy, adverse drug events and deprescribing in older adults and is the co-principal investigator of the MedSafer trial.