RI-MUHC Annual Report



In 2023-2024, outreach initiatives at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) were as multifaceted as our research teams. This selection of projects includes work that addresses pressing health issues on the national and global stage. It also reflects networking initiatives that escalate scientific discovery, and at the local level, the important work of reaching community members ranging from high school students to the elderly.


Building an inclusive clinical trial community
An innovative new unit at the RI-MUHC, the Accelerating Clinical Trials – Clinical Trial Unit (ACT-CTU), supports health researchers in launching and conducting impactful clinical trials.

Leaders in COPD care and research
Hosted at the RI-MUHC and co-led by Dr. Jean Bourbeau, the Canadian Cohort Obstructive Lung disease (CanCOLD) study is one of the most valuable resources in the world to support research on the causes and burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

When RSV weighs heavily on the Canadian health-care system
Every winter, Canadian pediatric hospitals experience a wave of admissions linked to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), one of the leading causes of hospitalization among children. The adoption of preventive measures could alleviate this burden, shows a study published in JAMA Network Open. Dr. Jesse Papenburg is co-senior author.

Health care inequities behind shorter life spans for Inuit from Nunavik with lung cancer
A new study led by Dr. Faiz Ahmad Khan shows that people living in the Inuit region of Nunavik in northern Quebec die earlier after a diagnosis of lung cancer than Montreal residents receiving treatment at the same cancer centre.

A roadmap to improving healthcare disparities in northern Quebec
Some Indigenous communities are too short-staffed to perform lifesaving procedures, a study co-authored by Dr. Evan Wong has found.

New Global TB Dictionary aims to standardize terminology in tuberculosis research
The Lancet Global Health highlighted the launch of the dictionary created in part at the RI-MUHC, co-edited by Dr. Marcel Behr.

Focused screening of new residents, key to fight TB in Canada
A new study led by Dr. Kevin Schwartzman’s team provided unique data on tuberculosis infection rates among foreign-born Canadian residents and citizens.

At left, the organizing committee of the first Canadian Conference on Translational Geroscience: Andréa Faust, Gustavo Duque, Andrée Sicard, Nicole Lavigne, and Guy Hajj-Boutros (left to right). Top right: Marina Klein, MD, M.Sc., has spearheaded 20 years of HIV-HCV research. Bottom right: Abhinav Sharma, MD, PhD, is part of the World Heart Federation’s Emerging Leaders Program.
At left, the organizing committee of the first Canadian Conference on Translational Geroscience: Andréa Faust, Gustavo Duque, Andrée Sicard, Nicole Lavigne, and Guy Hajj-Boutros (left to right). Top right: Marina Klein, MD, M.Sc., has spearheaded 20 years of HIV-HCV research. Bottom right: Abhinav Sharma, MD, PhD, is part of the World Heart Federation’s Emerging Leaders Program.

The Canadian Co-infection Cohort marks 20 years of HIV-HCV research
Since 2003, the CCC study led by the RI-MUHC’s Dr. Marina Klein has been working to improve care and outcomes for people living with both HIV and hepatitis C.

RI-MUHC scientist selected for the World Heart Federation’s Emerging Leaders program
Dr. Abhinav Sharma joined a prestigious international group focused on digital health and cardiovascular disease.

Where the biology of aging meets the study of health and chronic disease
Outreach initiatives in 2023 by the Bone, Muscle and Geroscience Research Group at the RI-MUHC included membership in the International Geroscience Task Force and organization of the first Canadian Conference on Translational Geroscience, in collaboration with the RUISSS McGill Schouela Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health for Seniors.

RI-MUHC researcher receives federal funding to improve health outcomes in Quebec prisons
Dr. Nadine Kronfli and her team are systematically screening for sexually transmitted and blood borne infections, with the aim of standardizing care for incarcerated persons.

Dr. Ariane Marelli appointed Scientific Director of CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health
In her new position, Dr. Marelli advances research and training initiatives that address circulatory and respiratory research priorities in Canada.



RI-MUHC successes in Networks funding from the FRQ-S
Our researchers co-lead three new thematic networks whose funding was announced in February 2024. Drs. Don Vinh and Geneviève Bernard co-lead the Quebec Network for Rare Diseases; Sara Ahmed, PhD, co-leads the Digital Health Network; and Mayada Elsabbagh, PhD, co-leads the Network to transform autism care.

$3 million for FRQS Dual Chairs in Artificial Intelligence and Health co-led by RI-MUHC researchers
The FRQS Dual AI Chairs Program supports research collaborations across disciplines in pursuit of the significant potential of AI to address some of humanity’s greatest health challenges. John Kildea, PhD, and Keith Murai, PhD, both RI-MUHC researchers, will co-direct two Dual Chairs in Artificial Intelligence and Health/Digital Health and Life Sciences.

RI-MUHC Networks Competition
In January 2024 our researchers and staff launched the inaugural RI-MUHC Networks Competition. By providing seed funding to facilitate the development of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary networks across RI-MUHC research programs, this initiative will help teams to be yet more competitive in applications for external funding.



At left, Montreal-based LOVE (Leave Out Violence) Quebec offers an impactful approach to mental health promotion. At right, Nancy Mayo, PhD, installs the first Walk-BEST chair in Pointe Claire, QC.
At left, Montreal-based LOVE (Leave Out Violence) Quebec offers an impactful approach to mental health promotion. At right, Nancy Mayo, PhD, installs the first Walk-BEST chair in Pointe Claire, QC.

LOVE is all you need
Research led by pediatric ethicist Franco Carnevale, RN, PhD, examined an impactful approach to mental health promotion that helps young people without making them feel like patients.

An innovative structure to help older people stay healthy and active
Nancy Mayo, PhD, and a team of physiotherapists developed the new Walk-BEST™ Chair, an outdoor exercise platform facilitating the needs of older people and people with mobility challenges so they can enjoy outdoor exercise safely and effectively. The platform is now showcased at Le Cambridge, an independent living facility for seniors in Pointe Claire.

RI-MUHC technology platforms form new partnerships to accelerate research and drug discovery
Partnerships between NMX Research and Solutions, the RI-MUHC and McGill’s Centre de recherche en biologie structurale provided a new collaborative hub for NMR and biophysics research.

Working together in neuroscience research and education
Researchers from the Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience Program at the RI-MUHC and Concordia University met to foster collaboration.

A hive of activity at the RI-MUHC during the 2024 Montreal Brain Bee
The annual symposium for the Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience Program has expanded to bring neuroscience to high school students.





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RI-MUHC annual reports

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