
Zeiss Seminar: Advanced Imaging Applications: Lightsheet vs Lattice Lightsheet vs Lattice SIM - How Can You SEE the Difference?
Bioinformatics Platform Workshop: Introduction to ''Terminal''
New treatment under development by researchers Karine Auclair and Andréanne Lupien could potentially treat intracellular infections without...
  NEWS Latest News Developing technology for fight against antimicrobial resistance A clinical trial shows benefits of finding and treating undiagnosed asthma and COPD Gestational diabetes in...
Our multidisciplinary research environment leverages discovery to improve human health across the lifespan.Challenging the boundaries of...
The Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health (IDIGH) Program unites expertise, resources and research strengths in infectious diseases, immunology and global health across three domains....
Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health (IDIGH) Program
Translational Research in Respiratory Diseases (RESP) Program
The Translational Research in Respiratory Diseases (RESP) Program builds upon the success of the Meakins-Christie Laboratories and the Respiratory Epidemiology and Clinical Research Unit (RECRU) to...
The Cardiovascular Health across the Lifespan (CHAL) Program includes fundamental , clinical and evaluative research platforms. Basic research in this program focuses on the study of biomarkers,...