
Platform News

CTB Technology Platforms Seminar

Bioinformatics Platform Workshop: Introduction to ''Terminal''

CTB Technology Platforms Seminar

Bioinformatics Platform Workshop: Introduction to ''Python''

Earth Day 2024 at the RI-MUHC: Towards greater sustainability

Organization-wide teamwork is reducing the environmental footprint of research

CTB Technology Platforms Seminar

An introduction to the Bioinformatics Platform workshops

A hive of activity at the RI-MUHC during the 2024 Montreal Brain Bee

The annual symposium for the Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience Program symposium expands to bring neuroscience to high school students

CTB Technology Platforms Seminar

Visualize the Future of Flow Cytometry

How does the BCG vaccine against TB provide protection against lung viral infections?

An RI-MUHC team reveals a new mechanism by which the 100-year-old vaccine provides cross-protection...

Research seeks to help children with chronic kidney disease

RI-MUHC study makes a breakthrough discovery into the role of the immune system in childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome

Cutting-edge facilities and expertise on display at the 2023 Platform Expo

Researchers and trainees learn from the experts in an interactive half-day event

Seeking to understand how cancer spreads

A new RI-MUHC research study identifies the role of neutrophil extracellular traps in promoting cancer metastasis to the lymph nodes

Learn more about the RI-MUHC