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- Year in review - Cardiovascular health across the lifespan program - CHAL


Racial and ethnic disparities in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease outcomes
Led by Dr. Thao Huynh in collaboration with Drs. George Thanassoulis and Abhinav Sharma, colleagues in the Cardiovascular Health Across the Lifespan (CHAL) Program, and other researchers across Canada, the CARTaGENE study explored racial and ethnic disparities for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) within a single-payer health care system with extensive drug coverage in Quebec, Canada. This study demonstrated that within a universal health care context and comprehensive drug coverage, the ASCVD risk was lower among Black compared with White participants of the cohort study of individuals aged 40 to 69 years. (Canadian Journal of Cardiology, doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2023.03.007)
Study supports routine measurement of apolipoprotein B in clinical care
CHAL Program researchers Patrick Lawler, MD, MPH, James Engert, PhD, George Thanassoulis, MD, and Allan Sniderman, MD, in collaboration with American clinician-scientists, have examined the impact of interplay of apolipoprotein B (apoB) and LDL particle size on the risk of new-onset coronary heart disease (CHD). Results confirm that apoB is a strong risk factor for CHD. The findings support routine measurement of apoB in clinical care. (Clinical Chemistry, doi: 10.1093/clinchem/hvac172)
Early intervention for atrial fibrillation
Drs. Vidal Essebag and Atul Verma of the CHAL Program have collaborated with several investigators from across Canada to investigate catheter ablation as initial therapy for atrial fibrillation, which is a chronic, progressive disorder associated with increased risks of thromboembolism and heart failure. Their long-term follow-up of an earlier clinical trial, EARLY-AF, was funded by the Cardiac Arrhythmia Network of Canada and other sources. Results indicated that initial treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with catheter cryoballoon ablation was associated with a lower incidence of persistent atrial fibrillation or recurrent atrial tachyarrhythmia, compared with initial use of antiarrhythmic drugs. (The New England Journal of Medicine, doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2212540)
Selected CHAL Program news links
- Leading the way towards improved treatment for atrial fibrillation
- How do we define death? Canada now has clear clinical guidelines
- Canada Gairdner Awards honour RI-MUHC researcher Dr. Isabelle Malhamé
- Big start for the Canadian Mother-Child Collaborative Training Platform – CAMCCO-L
- Perception is everything when it comes to the heart
- Heart & Stroke honours RI-MUHC researcher, Dr. Ariane Marelli
- MORE CHAL Program news
Marelli Ariane, Luc Beauchesne, Jck Colman, Robin Ducas, Jasmine Grewal, Michelle Keir, Paul Khairy, Erwin Oechslin, Judith Therrien, Isabelle F Vonder Muhll, Rachel M Wald, Candice Silversides, David J Barron, Lee Benson, Pierre-Luc Bernier, Eric Horlick, Reda Ibrahim, Guiseppe Martucci, Krishnakumar Nair, Nancy Poirier, Heather J Ross, Helmut Baumgartner, Curt J Daniels, Michelle Gurvitz, Jolien W RoosHesselink, Adrienne H Kovacs, Christopher J McLeod, Barbara J Mulder, Carole A Warnes, Gary D Webb. Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2022 Guidelines for Cardiovascular Interventions in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 38(7): 862-896, 2022: doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2022.03.021
Abdulaziz Joury, Amir Razaghizad, Abhinav Sharma. Multi-Biomarkers Approach to Predict Survival and Adverse Cardiovascular Events Among Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction. European Journal of Heart Failure 24(10):1879-1882, 2022: doi: 10.1002/ejhf.2689
Karina Gasbarrino, Anouar Hafiane, Ioanna Gianopoulos, Huaien Zheng, Christos Socrates Mantzoros, Stella S. Daskalopoulou. Relationship between circulating adipokines and cholesterol efflux in subjects with severe carotid atherosclerosis. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental 140(0):0, 2023: doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2022.155381
David Joel Cohen, Sebastian Ludwig, Nicolo Piazza. Transcatheter mitral valve replacement will remain a niche therapy: pros and cons. EuroIntervention 18(15): 1222-1225, 2023: doi: 10.4244/EIJ-E-22-00044
Kady Fischer, Domink P Guensch, Bernd Jung, Iman King, Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk, Nadia Giannetti, Balthasar Eberle, Matthias G Friedrich. Insights into Myocardial Oxygenation and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Tissue Biomarkers in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction. Circulation: Heart Failure 15(4):e008903, 2022: doi: 10.1161/circheartfailure.121.008903
Atul Verma, David E. Haines, Lucas V. Boersma, Nitesh Sood, Andrea Natale, Francis E. Marchlinski, Hugh Calkins, Prashanthan Sanders, Douglas L. Packer, Karl-Heinz Kuck, Gerhard Hindricks, Birce Onal, Jeffrey Cerkvenik, Hiroshi Tada, David B. DeLurgio, and PULSED AF Investigators. Pulsed Field Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: PULSED AF Pivotal Trial. Circulation 147: 1422–1432, 2023: doi: 10.1161/circulationaha.123.063988
Arthur Mendonça Albuquerque, James M. Brophy. Pacemaker risk following transcatheter aortic valve replacement - A Bayesian reanalysis. International Journal of Cardiology 355(0): 32-36, 2022: doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2022.03.008
Ido Zamberg, Marie Assouline-Reinmann, Emmanuel Carrera, Manish M. Sood, Stephen M. Sozio, Pierre Yves Martin, Thomas A. Mavrakanas. Epidemiology, thrombolytic management and outcomes of acute stroke among patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 37(7): 1289-1301, 2022: doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfab197
Angela Katrina Lucas-Herald, Augusto Cesar I. Montezano, Rheúre Alves-Lopes, Laura Haddow, Malika Alimussina, Stuart J. O'Toole, Martyn E. Flett, Boma Lee, Sohail Basith Amjad, Mairi J. Steven, Katriona J.M. Brooksbank, Linsay McCallum, Christian Delles, Rhian Touyz. Vascular dysfunction and increased cardiovascular risk in hypospadias. European Heart Journal 43(19): 1832-1845, 2022: doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehac112
Douglas Slobod, Nawaporn Assanangkornchai, Manal Alhazza, Pattra Mettasittigorn, Sheldon A. Magder. Right Ventricular Loading by Lung Inflation during Controlled Mechanical Ventilation. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 205(11): 1311-1319, 2022: doi: 10.1164/rccm.202111-2483oc
Daniel Wiseman, Gordan Samoukovic, Liam Durcan, Isabelle Malhamé. Serotonin Syndrome after Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology 140(4): 696-699, 2022: doi: 10.1097/aog.0000000000004941
Aurélien Delluc, Waleed Ghanima, Michael J. Kovacs, Sudeep Pappur Shivakumar, Susan R. Kahn, Per Morten Sandset, Clive Kearon, Ranjeeta Mallick, Marc Alan Rodger. Prevention of post-thrombotic syndrome with rosuvastatin: A multicenter randomized controlled pilot trial (SAVER). Thrombosis Research 213(0): 119-124, 2022: doi : 10.1016/j.thromres.2022.03.014