
Immunotherapy has provided lung cancer patients with real hope of recovery
In two articles posted this week to Forbes, Dr. Madhukar Pai outlines the great threat posed by drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB), while also offering a glimmer of hope.
Engaging youth in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) projects, this unique partnership provides tools for dialogue and exploration
5 myths about measurement error
Presenter: Maarten van Smeden, MSc, PhD
The human body has a remarkable ability to repair and renew itself. However, as we all know, our regenerative capacity quickly dwindles once we reach adulthood.
Why is clinical research important? What’s the benefit for patients? International Clinical Trials Day, on May 20, 2019, recognizes the commitment of all research professionals who believe in the...
This is a free endowed conference in respiratory diseases in memory of Doctor Dorothy Wiselberg...
Congratulations to all the Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health Program (IDIGH) trainees who presented their work at the annual IDIGH Research Day on April 19!
Nine awards were given across three presentation categories at the Fourth Annual Research Day of the Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health Program
Speaker: Dr. Samuel Weiss, Scientific Director
CIHR’s Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction
A study reveals a rise in the number of children presenting a life-threatening complication at diagnosis.
The aim of this research day is to provide an opportunity for our clinical fellows, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students to present their basic science and clinical research.
The Metabolic Disorders and Complications Program (MeDiC) brings together a team of outstanding research scientists who share the goal of...
Scientific Publishing: Roles and Responsibilities of Editors, Reviewers, and Authors with an introduction to the Advanced family of journals
Guest speaker: Dr. Babak Mostaghaci
RI-MUHC research fellow Sheila Wang receives the Canadian Medical Association Award for Young Leaders (Resident)
Congratulations to all the Cancer Research Program (CRP) trainees who gave stimulating presentations at the fourth annual CRP Day at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre...
Along with traditional presentations, the first CRP 3-minute thesis competition!
Funding Results
Canadian researchers identify earliest traces of brain cancer long before the disease becomes symptomatic
The Montreal General Hospital Foundation invites you to join us on June 15, 2019 to help support mental health programs for women at the Montreal General Hospital.
5th Annual Child Health Research Day
Info: Myriam Talantikit, M.Sc. -
A collaborative approach to deciphering the immunological impact of cannabis exposure
Speaker: Carolyn J. Baglole, PhD
The dark side of medical publishing: predators, pirates and profiteers
Speaker: Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD
Insights into human development one rare disease gene at a time
Invited Speaker: Kym Boycott, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FCCMG