
BRaIN  |  Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience Program

BRaIN Program News

We are proud to celebrate the scientific achievements of our researchers and trainees in publications, grant competitions, honors and awards, and appointments, as well as in the mainstream press.

RI-MUHC successes in Networks funding from the FRQ-S

Our researchers will lead three new thematic networks whose funding was announced this week

Raquel Zegarra del Carpio-O’Donovan appointed to the Order of Canada

The esteemed neuroradiologist was recognized by Governor General Mary Simon for her mentorship...

Collaborating to advance maternal and child health research

Quebec’s four major pediatric research centres unite for the Congrès Provincial de la Recherche Mère-Enfant

Working together in neuroscience research and education

Researchers from the BRaIN Program of the RI-MUHC and Concordia University meet to foster collaboration

$3 million for FRQS Dual Chairs in Artificial Intelligence and Health co-led by RI-MUHC researchers

The FRQS Dual AI Chairs Program supports research collaborations across disciplines in pursuit of the significant...

An innovative structure to help older people stay healthy and active

Developing healthy activities for older adults and people with mobility challenges is the focus of research for Nancy Mayo and her team

New understanding of the physiological response to dehydration and salt intake

An RI-MUHC research team has uncovered the mechanism that leads to the release of the antidiuretic hormone...

If you need something quickly, you make it yourself

A new study from RI-MUHC researchers finds that synaptic connections in the brain can produce their own proteins in response to periods of high demand

The 2023 RI-MUHC Annual Report is online!

An invitation from Dr. Rhian Touyz

Cutting-edge facilities and expertise on display at the 2023 Platform Expo

Researchers and trainees learn from the experts in an interactive half-day event

Explore news and events at the RI-MUHC