After a tragic loss, a career devoted to organ regeneration
Darcy Wagner, PhD, leads the charge in advancing bioengineered therapies for acute and chronic lung diseases, centred on advanced 3D bioprinting...

In conversation with new Canada Excellence Research Chair Dana Small
Her research at McGill and the RI-MUHC will investigate the mechanisms linking obesity and brain disorders

Diversifying the next generations
Loydie Jerome-Majewska does more than study how errors occur in early embryo development, in order to prevent them

Reaching beyond the hallowed halls of academe
“With science under attack, scientists have little choice but to step into the limelight and fight for what matters most” – Dr. Madhukar Pai

Talking open science with Dr. Nitika Pant Pai
Dr. Nitika Pant Pai answers questions about her work with ScienceOpen and how it can benefit researchers and, ultimately, patients

Focus on McGill Nursing Faculty: Christine Maheu shares her passion for cancer survivorship care and research
“My research is focused on programs to help cancer survivors cope with uncertainty and fear of recurrence along with support in the return to work”

Our Canadian Women Leaders in Global Health: Face to face with three extraordinary RI-MUHC scientists
Monday, February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Recognizing children’s voices: nursing professor and researcher Franco Carnevale on his experiences as an RN and childhood ethicist
Child health is a major area of focus for many faculty members and researchers at McGill’s Ingram School of Nursing. Among them is...

The Journey of a USBJI Young Investigator in Research
In the September edition of the United States Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) Newsletter, Sasha Bernatsky, MD, PhD, FRCPC...

Bridging research programs: The Centre of Excellence in Translational Immunology
An interview with Dr. Ciriaco Piccirillo

Interview with Dr. Barry Bedell
FACE TO FACE with Dr. Barry Bedell: A multimodal vision for the SAIL Platform

Research trainee Jenna Wong uses big data to answer big questions about health
Few doctoral students get to see one of their research papers covered by dozens of media outlets. However, when epidemiology student...
Interview with Dr. Isabelle Gagnon
FACE TO FACE with Dr. Isabelle Gagnon, a researcher who goes beyond borders to better understand childhood concussion...

Interview with Dr. Don Sheppard
Touching down in Frankfurt en route to Beirut to deliver a lecture on human fungal disease, Dr. Don Sheppard willingly makes time to share...

Doctoral student Necola Guerrina: Connecting basic respiratory research with clinical needs
Necola Guerrina is unlikely to become the stereotypical solitary scientist. This doctoral student in pathology has a talent for communication and collaboration...

Interview with Dr. Isabel Fortier
When I was little, I was fascinated by the way the human body works. Later I decided to study biology to find out more about it, and I went into epidemiology for my doctorate...