Fil d'Ariane

null Série de conférences du CRES 1 : Innovation & Methods

Dr. Manu Prakash, PhD
Dr. Manu Prakash, PhD

Quand : mercredi 17 mars 2021 à 16 h

Où : Conférences virtuelles en ligne pendant la pandémie COVID-19

Conférencier : Dr. Manu Prakash, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Sujet : « Frugal science in the age of curiosity »

« Science faces an accessibility challenge. Although information/knowledge is fast becoming available to everyone around the world, the experience of science is significantly limited. One approach to solving this challenge is to democratize access to scientific tools. Manu Prakash believes this can be achieved via “Frugal science”; a philosophy that inspires design, development, and deployment of ultra-affordable yet powerful scientific tools for the masses. Using examples from his own work (Foldscope: one-dollar origami microscope, Paperfuge: a twenty-cent high-speed centrifuge), Dr. Prakash will describe the process of identifying challenges, designing solutions, and deploying these tools globally to enable open ended scientific curiosity/inquiries in communities around the world. By connecting the dots between science education, global health and environmental monitoring, he will explore the role of “simple” tools in advancing access to better human and planetary health in a resource limited world. »

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La présentation aura lieu en anglais.