6 Class II Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinets
Class II, Type A2 cabinets recirculate 70% of the HEPA-filtered laminar air while 30% passes through a HEPA-filtered exhaust for discharge.

2 Class II, Type B2 Biological Safety Cabinet (Nuaire)
Class II, Type B2 cabinets exhaust 100% of the air.

BD FACSAria Fusion (3 lasers, 10 colours)
BD FACSAria Fusion (3 lasers, 10 colours)

Electroporator BTX™ Harvard Apparatus ECM™ 830 Square Wave
The ECM 830 is a Square Wave Electroporation System designed for In Vitro and In Vivo electroporation applications. BTX square wave technology offers the researcher the ability to transfect cells efficiently and with higher cell viabilities.

FastPrep cell disrupter (MP Biomedical)
FastPrep lyses thoroughly and quickly any tissues and cells and thus allows easy and reproducible isolation of stable RNA, active proteins and full-length genomic DNA.

Inhalation System for Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposures (CH Technologies)
The modular exposure unit consists of stackable exposure tiers plus top and bottom sections for introduction and exhaust of test article. Each tier has 18 exposure ports. Samples can be also taken at the inlet (pre-exposure) or outlet (post-exposure) of the tower. Each tier is made of an inner plenum and an outer plenum that are connected to each other through rectangular trumpets (tubes) and connector cones.

Spectrophotometer - TECAN Nanoquant Infinite 200 Pro multimode microplate reader
User-friendly multimode reader that provides a full range of leading detection methods in one easyto- use modular instrument, with either Quad4 monochromator™ or filter-based technologies. Users can select the desired modules to create the perfect reader for their needs. 6- to 384-well microplates, PCR plates, cuvettes and NanoQuant Plate™ for low sample volumes.

BD Accuri C6 (2 lasers, 4 colours)
The BD Accuri C6 is a compact, easy-to-use flow cytometer that makes the analytical power of flow cytometry more accessible. The system features an intuitive software interface, software templates, and reagent kits that guide users new to flow cytometry through workflows for popular applications.