Towards self-determination of an Inuit health system
Dr. Faiz Ahmad Khan is helping to lay the groundwork for lung health care that is culturally relevant to the needs of Nunavik communities

Dr. Carolyn Freeman named to Order of Canada
A passion to change the lives of cancer patients, young and old

Former RI-MUHC trainee wins L’Oréal-Unesco science award
Omani researcher Maha al-Riyami, PhD, studies underlying causes of type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases

RI-MUHC trainee wins best presentation award at Congrès provincial de la recherche Mère-Enfant
Marissa Fazio’s M.Sc. project aims to prevent health-care-associated...

CQDM funds a collaborative research project between the RI-MUHC and Divocco AI
Dr. Thomas Hemmerling leads the development of an artificial intelligence-driven technology designed to...

Simon Rousseau named director of the Canadian Respiratory Research Network
RI-MUHC researcher aims to improve respiratory health of patients with lung infections

Theresa Gyorkos appointed to WHO Working Group on the Prevention and Management of Anaemia
RI-MUHC researcher takes a leading role in several WHO initiatives

MeDiC Program Research Day returns in seventh annual event
Trainees’ oral and poster presentations and a keynote lecture by Mark Andermann, PhD, were high points in the successful 2022 research event

Another honour for Dr. Phil Gold
Dr. Phil Gold recently received the McGill Medal