Dr. Thomas Emmett Francoeur awarded the Prix Letondal
Pioneering work in child development recognized by the Association of Pediatricians of Quebec

Building a career in clinical and regulatory affairs
First cohort of RI-MUHC trainees completes pilot training program

With Veterans Affairs Canada, Dr. Steven Grover and his team are getting Canadian families moving
The summer Family Fitness Mission

Recipient of the 2020-2021 Dr. Margaret Becklake Fellowship: Mikashmi Kohli
A postdoctoral fellow from the RI-MUHC is recognized for international work on TB diagnostics

Three COVID-19 projects at the RI-MUHC to receive CIHR funding
A $109M fund aims to mitigate impact of the pandemic on care delivery in Canada and beyond, as well as contribute to better understanding of the disease

Reflecting on my Master’s in Experimental Medicine experience
Dermatology resident Abdulhadi Jfri shares his thoughts on undertaking a simultaneous Master’s degree

ResearchMatch brings researchers together
Sixteen new matches made, eight projects funded: life sciences researchers meet data scientists

Innovation Moves Online for the 2020 McGill Clinical Innovation Competition
RI-MUHC research team, Emily McDonald and Todd C. Lee, ties for Marika Zelenka Roy Innovation Prize

RI-MUHC trainee wins scholarship from the Société québécoise d’hypertension artérielle
Congratulations to Joseph Mussa!

From PhD to Employee Forum generates insights and perspectives
Report shares participants’ solutions to career development challenges in the life sciences