
Research Life

Outstanding early-career researcher at the RI-MUHC named Terry Fox New Investigator

Joanna Przybyl receives one of seven 2024 Terry Fox New Investigator awards for her work in osteosarcoma

Fall 2023 CIHR competition results

RI-MUHC teams received $13.65 million in project funding

National Canadian Consortium of Clinical Trial Training (CANTRAIN) takes off successfully

Eighty-four graduate students from across Canada will share over $2 million in studentship and fellowship...

Marilyn Ahun receives Victoria S. Levin Award for Early Career Success

As we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, the RI-MUHC congratulates one of...

Empowering Change

As we anticipate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, Dr. Nitika Pant Pai sets the pace in her Leadership Journey with WomenLift Health

Results of seed funding competition in precision oncology

The RI-MUHC’s Cancer Research Program is pleased to announce the winners of Precision Oncology Hypothesis-Driven Seed Funding Competition

Raquel Zegarra del Carpio-O’Donovan appointed to the Order of Canada

The esteemed neuroradiologist was recognized by Governor General Mary Simon for her mentorship...

Sapha Barkati and Marina Klein receive the 2023 FMSQ prize for best research paper

Their highly cited publication in the New England Journal of Medicine describes the unique clinical presentation of mpox

In conversation with new Canada Excellence Research Chair Dana Small

Her research at McGill and the RI-MUHC will investigate the mechanisms linking obesity and brain disorders

Collaborating to advance maternal and child health research

Quebec’s four major pediatric research centres unite for the Congrès Provincial de la Recherche Mère-Enfant

Learn more about the RI-MUHC