
What’s new at The Institute?

Does Chagas disease present a health risk to Canadians?

Believe it or not, a tropical blood parasite native to Latin America could be harmful to Canadians. Infectious diseases like malaria or Zika may...

Cannabis in Canada: What do we know? What can we expect?

On Nov. 30, some 200 people attended McGill’s academic conference on the imminent legalization of cannabis for recreational...

Breastfed babies are less likely to have eczema

Babies whose mothers had received support to breastfeed exclusively for a sustained period from birth have a 54% lower risk of eczema at...

Pregnancy-related conditions taken together leave moms and dads at risk

Research has already shown that women who develop either diabetes or high blood pressure during pregnancy are at risk of getting...

Giving rookie dads the online info they really need

Expectant and new parents often turn to the internet for parenting prep, but it turns out that dads often don’t seem to find...

That cup of coffee may not relieve Parkinson’s symptoms

Science has shown that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease than people who never drink it...

RI-MUHC scientist takes HIV self-testing global with HIVSmart!™

It is estimated that 30-40 per cent of people living with HIV do not know their HIV status, which can have a serious effect on the...

Viagra could help babies deprived of oxygen during childbirth

"We had nothing to lose, but so much to gain," were the first thoughts of Aleyda Jimenez and Michel Lévesque when they decided to let...

Eating protein three times a day could make our seniors stronger

Loss of muscle is an inevitable consequence of aging that can lead to frailty, falls or mobility problems. Eating enough protein is...

Searching for the “signature” causes of BRCAness in breast cancer

Breast cancer cells with defects in the DNA damage repair–genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 have a mutational signature...

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