

Eight RI-MUHC trainees earn 2024 EDI award for academic excellence

The awards for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in health care research recognize the academic excellence...

Introducing peanuts earlier to reduce allergy risk

A recent study by the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, using data from the Montreal Children's Hospital, reveals that introducing...

Four new clinical trials grants from the CIHR for RI-MUHC researchers

The Government of Canada announced investments in 14 new clinical trials to support Canada’s response to major health threats and bolster the...

Spring 2024 CIHR competition results

RI-MUHC teams received $17.3 million in project funding

A first-ever effective therapy for rare devastating neurodegenerative diseases

With the support of a nonprofit organization started by a patient’s family, rare disease expert Dr. Kenneth Myers...

$2 million dollars awarded to RI-MUHC team studying lung health

Dr. Benjamin Smith receives CIHR funding to lead research on inflammation and lung health in diverse populations

Dr. Dan Poenaru appointed a Member of the Order of Canada

Dr. Poenaru has improved the quality and availability of pediatric surgical care in Africa as well as Canada

High-profile distinctions for RI-MUHC child health research trainee

Doctoral student Sacha Williams combines a career interest in child health research with the study of gender and sex

Annual Clinical Research Day event highlights RI-MUHC services and expertise in clinical trials

The Centre for Innovative Medicine and many other clinical research support teams introduced their skills...

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