
MeDiC  |  Metabolic Disorders and Complications Program

MeDiC Program News

We are proud to celebrate the scientific achievements of our researchers and trainees in publications, grant competitions, honors and awards, and appointments, as well as in the mainstream press.

John Bergeron named to Order of Canada

The RI-MUHC researcher is recognized for excellence in the field of proteomics

MeDiC Program Research Day returns in seventh annual event

Trainees’ oral and poster presentations and a keynote lecture by Mark Andermann, PhD, were high points in the successful 2022 research event

Helping young adults achieve type 2 diabetes remission

In a collaboration with British researchers, Dr. Kaberi Dasgupta is leading a clinical trial that combines supervised exercise with meal...

The 2022 RI-MUHC Annual Report is online!

An invitation from Dr. Rhian Touyz

An Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan for the RI-MUHC

The plan prioritizes six groups traditionally underrepresented in research

Summer Student Research Day returns to the RI-MUHC

A diverse group of young research trainees present their summer projects

RI-MUHC study shows association of low muscle mass with cognitive decline

A new publication in JAMA Network Open describes faster decline in cognitive executive function in older adults with...

A Governor General’s Gold Medal, and more, for Anne-Julie Tessier

Anne-Julie Tessier earned her doctoral degree in the laboratory of RI-MUHC scientist Stéphanie Chevalier

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