John Bergeron named to Order of Canada
The RI-MUHC researcher is recognized for excellence in the field of proteomics

MeDiC Program Research Day returns in seventh annual event
Trainees’ oral and poster presentations and a keynote lecture by Mark Andermann, PhD, were high points in the successful 2022 research event

Helping young adults achieve type 2 diabetes remission
In a collaboration with British researchers, Dr. Kaberi Dasgupta is leading a clinical trial that combines supervised exercise with meal...

The 2022 RI-MUHC Annual Report is online!
An invitation from Dr. Rhian Touyz

An Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan for the RI-MUHC
The plan prioritizes six groups traditionally underrepresented in research

Summer Student Research Day returns to the RI-MUHC
A diverse group of young research trainees present their summer projects

RI-MUHC study shows association of low muscle mass with cognitive decline
A new publication in JAMA Network Open describes faster decline in cognitive executive function in older adults with...

MUHC designated first provincial establishment for islet cell transplants for patients with type 1 diabetes
Non-invasive procedure allows patients to live without fear...

A Governor General’s Gold Medal, and more, for Anne-Julie Tessier
Anne-Julie Tessier earned her doctoral degree in the laboratory of RI-MUHC scientist Stéphanie Chevalier

Type 1 diabetes: a combination therapy improves glucose control and performance of artificial pancreases
A publication in Nature Medicine by RI-MUHC researchers describes...