
MeDiC  |  Metabolic Disorders and Complications Program

MeDiC Program News

We are proud to celebrate the scientific achievements of our researchers and trainees in publications, grant competitions, honors and awards, and appointments, as well as in the mainstream press.

How does the hunger-suppressing hormone leptin cross the blood-brain barrier?

Specialized cells called pericytes play a key role, reveals new work from researchers at the RI-MUHC

New research looks at vaccination efficacy and hemodialysis

Dialysis patients do not develop adequate antibodies with one dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine


RI-MUHC teams received $6.9 million in project funding and $2 million more for COVID-19 research

Understanding the health impact of inactivity for the benefit of older adults and astronauts

A study using bedrest as an analog to microgravity will provide data for eight Canadian research projects

INESSS honours McGill team for contributions to pandemic hospital projections

Public health researchers David Buckeridge and Mathieu Maheu-Giroux lead valuable support initiative

Suzanne Morin named to CIHR Institute Advisory Board

RI-MUHC researcher promotes musculoskeletal health for Canadians

Inappropriate prescriptions sending hospitalized seniors back to the ER

Improving hospital prescribing practices may reduce risk of rehospitalization and death

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