Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM)

The Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM) is a fully equipped “research hospital within a hospital”. The CIM hosts and facilitates pediatric and adult clinical research studies, offering access to specialized clinical research staff and a full range of equipment and services in an environment dedicated to clinical research.

The Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM) is one of the three RI-MUHC research centres that unite RI-MUHC researchers from eight interdisciplinary research programs.

The CIM is located within the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), at the Glen and Montreal General Hospital (MGH) sites. 

CIM News and Events

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We are proud to celebrate the scientific achievements of our researchers and trainees in publications, grant competitions, honours and awards, and appointments, as well as in the mainstream press.

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The Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM) supports numerous speakers and seminars throughout the year.

CIM Services

EXPERTISE: At the Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM), researchers can access the services of trained staff to support their clinical trials. CIM staff includes clinical research nurses and medical professionals, as well as research coordinators, project managers, monitors, ethics coordinators and budget services.

FACILITIES: The CIM provides specialized equipment and space for research teams, all in an environment dedicated to clinical research. Conveniently housed within the MUHC hospitals (Glen site and Montreal General Hospital), the CIM has facilities to support both adult and pediatric clinical trials, including exam and interview rooms, negative pressure overnight pods, an infusion unit, and multiple technical platforms.

CIM Technical Platforms

Learn more about the expertise and facilities available at the CIM.

Services available at the CIM

CIM Leadership

Angela Genge, MD
Angela Genge, MD

Director of Clinical Research and the Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM)

Ramy Saleh, MD
Ramy Saleh, MD

Medical Director – Oncology Clinical Trials

Contact the CIM

We welcome inquiries from researchers seeking access to the expertise and facilities available at the Centre for Innovative Medicine (CIM).

Contact the Leadership team or clinical.research@muhc.mcgill.ca

* If you are a patient, please note that the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre does not provide medical advice or referrals to physicians. To access information on medical care at the McGill University Health Centre, please visit the website of the McGill University Health Centre.

Useful links

Explore research at the RI-MUHC