
Trainee achievements

The RI-MUHC is proud to showcase some of its trainees' many achievements. Congratulations to all!

Rebecca Burne

Rebecca Burne will be travelling to Dublin, Ireland, for the most important Pharmacoepi conference in the world: the 32nd annual International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE) 2016.

Laura Labonté

Congratulations to Laura Labonté, the April 2016 winner of the FRQS Étudiante-chercheuse étoile award in the Fonds santé category.

Samaneh Farsijani

Congratulations to Samaneh Farsijani, one of the few winners of the Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science poster competition at the Experimental Biology 2016 conference in San Diego. She won the best abstract programmed in...

Marzieh Ghiasi

Marzieh Ghiasi's research on TB infection and control in healthcare trainees took her to South India, where she conducted her field work for a master’s degree in epidemiology supervised by Dr. Madhukar Pai.

Natalia Jaworska, PhD

Since arriving here last spring, Dr. Natalia Jaworska has been “a tornado,” as her supervisor, Dr. Marco Leyton, reports. “She has been wiping clean various inefficient procedures, energizing everyone...

Jeffrey Downey

Jeffrey Downey’s early work has culminated in two publications and a third authorship in PNAS, with his own manuscript currently under revision at Cell Host & Microbe.

Samantha Hajna

Samantha Hajna has successfully defended her PhD thesis, Neighbourhood walkability and pedometer and accelerometer-assessed walking in Canadian adults, in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and...

Yidan Lu, MD

Dr. Yidan Lu has been involved in high-profile research projects in gastroenterology, including an assessment of the dissemination of global guidelines using a national registry and research...

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