
Trainee achievements

The RI-MUHC is proud to showcase some of its trainees' many achievements. Congratulations to all!

Two national organizations honour former RI-MUHC trainee

A first-place finish for Julien Mégrourèche in the J.R. Cunningham Young Investigators Awards, along with “Best in Physics” award this fall

RI-MUHC postdoctoral fellow recognized nationally and globally

Elena Kuzmin, PhD, obtains high-profile fellowships

Sixty-five thousand dollars in start-up funding awarded to RI-MUHC trainees!

Cooperathon Grand Prize winners invent a prototype that could reduce the impact of heart disease worldwide

August winner of the Relève étoile Jacques-Genest award

Congratulations to Emily MacLean, doctoral student at the RI-MUHC!

RI-MUHC trainee finishes in first cohort of the Life Sciences Entrepreneurship Development Program

Christina Mastromonaco, PhD student in the Cancer Research Program, is propelled into the world of start-ups!

Art and RI-MUHC science converge in The Journal of Neuroscience this week

RI-MUHC student Hunter S. Shaw’s publication makes the cover, with a work of art from the Convergence Initiative

RI-MUHC student awarded a Human Frontier Science Program Long-Term Postdoctoral Fellowship

Ranked first of 626 in the CIHR postdoctoral competition, in 2020 Claire Gizowski will be forging ahead with a prestigious international fellowship instead

Two awards for a Canadian postdoc at meeting that sets the gold standard of HIV science

RI-MUHC trainee Stéphane Isnard honoured for his research on gut permeability in HIV

Winner of the July 2019 Relève étoile Jacques-Genest award from the Fonds de recherche du Québec-Santé

Congratulations to Dorival Martins Jr., postdoctoral fellow at the RI-MUHC!

Four RI-MUHC grad students land top federal funding

Four graduate students from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) are among the 16 from McGill to win 2019 Vanier Scholarships.

Learn more about the RI-MUHC