Bassam Abdulkarim, MD, PhD
Radiation oncology
radiation biology
biomarkers for radiation toxicities
molecular mechanisms of targeted therapies
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Displaying 123 result(s).
Bassam Abdulkarim, MD, PhDRadiation oncology radiation biology biomarkers for radiation toxicities molecular mechanisms of targeted therapies CTB |
Sharon Abish, MDPediatric oncology pediatric hematology-oncology |
Thierry Alcindor, MDcancer chemotherapy clinical trials sarcoma colorectal cancer |
Suhad Ali, B.Sc., PhDdifferentiation cancer stem cells/tumor initiating cells RNA editing genomic stability centrosome biology CTB |
Armen Aprikian, MDProstate cancer metastasis neuropeptides epidemiology progression CTB |
Swneke Bailey, PhDGenomics epigenetics bionformatics gene regulation cancer CTB |
Anthony Bozzo, MD, M.Sc., FRCSCSarcoma AI multimodal neural network CORE |
Pnina Brodt, PhDcancer metastasis tumor microenvironment inflammation colon cancer breast cancer CTB |
Julia Burnier, PhDcancer genomics proteomics liquid biopsy ctDNA metastasis CTB |
Miguel Burnier, MD, M.Sc., PhD, FRCSCUveal melanoma ocular pathology liquid biopsy metastasis preclinical models CTB |
Yen-I Chen, MDadvanced endoscopy pancreaticobiliary disease CORE |
Simone Chevalier, PhDProstate prostate cancer signaling tyrosine kinases biomarkers CTB |
Trafford Crump, PhDpatient-reported outcomes esophageal cancer patient-centred care predictive analytics quality of life assessment CORE |
Fabio Cury, MDRadiation oncology Head and neck tumors genitourinary tumors melanoma imaging |
Jérémy Dana, MD, PhDhepatocellular carcinoma chronic liver diseases artifical intelligence advanced imaging techniques |
Alice Dragomir, M.Sc., PhDhealth economics outcomes research disease modeling prostate cancer cost-effectiveness evaluation CORE |
Shirin Enger, PhDRadiotherapy brachytherapy treatment planning software radiation biology and microdosimetry detector development |
Sergio Faria, MD, PhD, FRCPCprostate cancer lung cancer lower gastro-intestinal cancer |
Lorenzo Ferri, MD, PhDgastroesophageal cancer therapy resistance cancer models translational research CTB |
Reza Forghani, MD, PhDartificial intelligence advanced imaging machine learning natural language processing diagnostic radiology CORE |
William Foulkes, MBBS, PhDhereditary cancer DICER1 pleiotropic tumor syndrome genetic predisposition breast cancer colorectal cancer CTB |
Carolyn Freeman, MBBS, FRCPC, FASTROradiotherapy pediatric cancer sarcomas quality improvement |
Zu-Hua Gao, MD, PhD, FRCPCliver pancreas colon bile duct cancer CTB |
Livia Garzia, PhDFunctional genomics genetics mouse models pediatric cancers CTB |
Vincent Giguère, PhDNuclear receptors transcription hormones vitamins cancer |
Lucy Gilbert, MD, M.Sc., FRCOGovarian cancer endometrial cancer early detection clinical trials precision therapies |
Natalia Gorelik, MDcomparative effectiveness medical imaging musculoskeletal system oncological surveillance appropriate utilization CORE |
Alex Gregorieff, PhDIntestinal stem cells organoids hippo signaling tissue regeneration and cancer CTB |
Tarek Hijal, MD, CM, M.Sc., FRCPCbreast cancer digestive malignancies radiotherapy |
Vera Hirsh, MDLung cancer treatments clinical trials |
Wassim Kassouf, MD, CM, FRCSCbladder cancer outcomes resistance radiotherapy response CTB |
Petr Kavan, MD, PhDAdolescent and Young Adult Oncology (AYA) colorectal cancer brain tumor hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) |
John Kildea, M.Sc., PhDpatient portals patient empowerment patient-centred software development health informatics data donation CTB |
Dae-Kyum Kim, PhDfunctional genomics systems biology bioinformatics gastro-esophageal cancer drug resistance CTB |
David Labbé, PhD, agr., chm.prostate cancer nutrition/diet epigenetics animal models translational research CTB |
Andréa Laizner, RN, BScN, MSc(A), PhDevidence-based practice psychosocial adjustment symptom management massage nursing |
Nathalie Lamarche-Vane, PhDRho GTPases cell migration signal transduction neuronal development breast cancer CTB |
Sylvie Lambert, PhDpsychosocial oncology self-management intervention development patient-reported outcomes (PROs) psychometrics |
Pierre Laneuville, MDLeukemia molecular biology cell biology gene transfer stem cells |
Jacques Lapointe, MD, PhDGénomique taxonomie moléculaire expression génique hétérogénéité tumorale cancer de la prostate CTB |
Jean-Jacques Lebrun, MSc, PhDcancer metastasis tumor suppression cancer stem cell therapy triple negative breast cancer Crisperized medicine CTB |
Virginia Lee, PhDcancer distress well-being ehealth evidence-based interventions CORE |
Ives Levesque, PhDmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging physics methods analysis |
Ivan Litvinov, MD, PhD, FRCPCskin cancer sun protection melanoma retrotransposons gene-environment interaction CTB |
Sampath Loganathan, PhDhead and neck squamouse cell carcinoma in vivo CRISPR screens cancer cell signaling drug targets CTB |
Ari-Nareg Meguerditchian, MD, MSc, FRCS(C), FACSHealth outcomes cancer quality of care treatment guidelines health informatics tools CORE |
Sarkis Meterissian, MD, M.Sc., FRCS, FACSbreast cancer prognosis pathogenesis diagnosis |
Peter Metrakos, MDliver metastasis liver ischemia/reperfusion injury non-alcoholic liver disease hepatocellullar carcinoma neuroendocrine tumors CTB |
Catalin Mihalcioiu, MD, FRCPcirculating tumor cells (CTC) tumor stem cells epithelial mezenchimal transformed cells breast cancer melanoma |
Tommy Nilsson, Dr. Med. Sci.proteomics lipid droplet hepatocyte fatty liver disease COPI vesicle CTB |
Morag Park, PhDbreast cancer animal models gene microarrays invasion laser capture dissection |
Jean-Pierre Pelage, MD, PhDdiagnostic radiology interventional oncology chest and abdomen imaging |
Samara Perez, PhDcancer prevention psychosocial oncology vaccine decision-making health behaviour change sexual/reproductive health CORE |
Alan Peterson, PhDDevelopment gene regulation transgenesis nervous system myelin |
Gizelle Popradi, MDCMstem cell transplantation malignant hematology leukemia post-transplant infections |
Emily Porter, PhDmicrowave medical technologies radar imaging electrical impedance tomography screening and diagnostics health and wellness monitoring CTB |
Joanna Przybyl, PhDsarcoma liquid biopsy metabolic reprogramming translational research multiomics CTB |
Ramy Saleh, MD, M.Sc., FRCPCmedical oncology phase I clinical trials GU malignancies sarcoma |
John Sampalis, PhDEpidemiology trauma health services research clinical research patient outcomes |
Denis Sasseville, MDcutaneous T-cell lymphoma contact & occupational dermatitis CTB |
Michael Sebag, MD, PhDmultiple myeloma hematologic malignancies tumor microenvironment drug development clinical trials CTB |
Jan Seuntjens, PhDradiation physics medical physics fundamental radiation sciences radiation therapy Monte Carlo techniques CTB |
Maida Sewitch, PhDcolonoscopy colorectal cancer epidemiology preventive health services screening CORE |
Peter Siegel, PhDcancer cell migration/invasion metastasis tumor microenvironment tumor/stromal interactions experimental therapeutics |
Luis Souhami, MDcentral nervous system tumors gynecological malignancies genito-urinary malignancies |
Jonathan Spicer, B.Sc. (Hon), MD, PhD, FRCSlung cancer • neoadjuvant • immunotherapy • neutrophil • surgery CTB |
John Storring, MD, CMMyelodysplastic syndrome leukemia clinical trials quality of life |
Simon Tanguay, MDKidney cancer prostate cancer immunotherapy dendritic cells CpG |
Carlos Telleria, PhDovarian cancer drug repurposing consolidation cancer therapy peritoneal carcinomatosis tumor dormancy |
Michael Thirlwell, MDCancer clinical trials breast cancer colorectal cancer supportive care |
Patricia Tonin, PhDovarian cancer breast cancer hereditary cancer genomics gene expression CTB |
James Tsui, B.Eng., M.Sc., MD, PhD, FRCPCradiotherapy sarcoma genitourinary cancer gynecological cancer medical imaging |
Antonio Vigano, MD, MScCancer cachexia cancer rehabilitation nutritional evaluation performance quality of life CORE |
George Zogopoulos, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACSPancreatic cancer hereditary cancer hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery translational research CTB |